Class CustomLayout (PowerPoint VBA)

The class CustomLayout represents a custom layout associated with a presentation design. The CustomLayout object is a member of the CustomLayouts collection.

Class Slide gives access to class CustomLayout.

Dim clt as CustomLayout
Set clt = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(Index:=1)


Copy - Copies the specified object to the Clipboard.

Cut - Deletes the specified object and places it on the Clipboard.

Delete - Deletes the specified object.

Duplicate - Creates a duplicate of the specified custom layout, adds the new custom layout to the CustomLayouts collection immediately after the original custom layout, and returns a CustomLayout object that represents the duplicate layout.

MoveTo - Moves the specified CustomLayout object to a different position in the CustomLayouts collection.

Select - Selects the specified CustomLayout object.


Background returns a ShapeRange object that represents the slide background.

CustomerData returns a CustomerData object.

Design returns a Design object that represents the design template associated with the specified custom layout.

DisplayMasterShapes determines whether the specified custom layout displays background objects on the slide master.

FollowMasterBackground determines whether the specified custom layout follows the slide master background.

Guides returns the Guides collection associated with a custom layout.

HeadersFooters returns a HeadersFooters collection that represents the header, footer, date and time, and slide number associated with the specified custom layout.

Height returns the height of the specified object, in points.

Hyperlinks returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents all hyperlinks on the slide associated with the specified custom layout.

Index returns the index position of the specified custom layout in the CustomLayouts collection.

MatchingName represents the internal name of the specified custom layout.

Name represents the display name of the specified custom layout.

Preserved determines whether the specified custom layout is preserved from changes.

Shapes returns a Shapes collection representing all the layout elements included in the specified custom layout.

SlideShowTransition returns a SlideShowTransition object that represents the special effects for the specified custom layout.

ThemeColorScheme returns a ThemeColorScheme object that represents the color scheme of the theme associated with the specified custom layout.

TimeLine returns a TimeLine object that represents the animation timeline for the slide associated with the specified custom layout.

Width returns the width of the specified custom layout, in points.

CustomerData - Stores information about a customer (such as name, address, telephone number, and so on) or other information in XML form, as a collection of CustomXMLPart objects associated with a Microsoft PowerPoint object.

Design - Represents an individual slide design template. The Design object is a member of the Designs and SlideRange collections and the Master and Slide objects.

Guides - A collection of Guide objects in a presentation or custom layout.

HeadersFooters - Contains all the HeaderFooter objects on the specified slide, notes page, handout, or master.

Hyperlinks - A collection of all the Hyperlink objects on a slide or master.

ShapeRange - Represents a shape range, which is a set of shapes on a document. A shape range can contain as few as a single shape or as many as all the shapes on the document.

Shapes - A collection of all the Shape objects on the specified slide.

SlideShowTransition - Contains information about how the specified slide advances during a slide show.

TimeLine - Stores animation information for a Master, Slide, or SlideRange object.