Class Design (PowerPoint VBA)
The class Design represents an individual slide design template. The Design object is a member of the Designs and SlideRange collections and the Master and Slide objects. To use a Design class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example
Dim dsg as Design
Set dsg = ActivePresentation.Designs(Index:=1)
Deletes the specified Design object.
Returns a Long that represents the index number for an animation effect or design.
Dim lngIndex As Long
lngIndex = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).Index
Moves the specified object to a specific location within the same collection, renumbering all other items in the collection appropriately.
MoveTo (toPos)
toPos: The index position to which to move the animation effect.
Dim lngtoPos As Long: lngtoPos = 15
ActivePresentation.Designs(1).MoveTo toPos:=lngtoPos
Returns or sets the name of the specified object.
You can use the object's name in conjunction with the Item method to return a reference to the object if the Item method for the collection that contains the object takes a Variant argument. For example, if the value of the Name property for a shape is Rectangle 2, .Shapes("Rectangle 2") returns a reference to that shape.
ActivePresentation.Designs(1).Name =
Represents whether a design master is preserved from changes.
The value of the Preserved property can be one of these MsoTriState constants.
ActivePresentation.Designs(1).Preserved = msoTrue
Returns a Master object that represents the slide master.
Dim mstSlideMaster As Master
Set mstSlideMaster = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster