Class Shapes (PowerPoint VBA)
A collection of all the Shape objects on the specified slide.
The classes Chart, CustomLayout, Master and Slide. give access to class Shapes
Dim shps as Shapes
Set shps = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Shapes
Add3DModel - Creates a Model3DFormat object from an existing file. Returns a Shape object that represents the new 3D model.
AddCallout - Creates a borderless line callout. Returns a Shape object that represents the new callout.
AddChart2 - Adds a chart to the document. Returns a Shape object that represents a chart and adds it to the specified collection.
AddConnector - Creates a connector. Returns a Shape object that represents the new connector. When a connector is added, it is not connected to anything. Use the BeginConnect and EndConnect methods to attach the beginning and end of a connector to other shapes in the document.
AddCurve - Creates a Bézier curve. Returns a Shape object that represents the new curve.
AddInkShapeFromXML - Creates an ink shape. Returns a Shape object that represents the new ink shape.
AddLabel - Creates a label. Returns a Shape object that represents the new label.
AddLine - Creates a line. Returns a Shape object that represents the new line.
AddMediaObject2 - Replaces deprecated Shapes.AddMediaObject method (PowerPoint). Adds a new media object.
AddMediaObjectFromEmbedTag - Adds a media object from an embedded tag to a Shapes object.
AddOLEObject - Creates an OLE object. Returns a Shape object that represents the new OLE object.
AddPicture - Creates a picture from an existing file. Returns a Shape object that represents the new picture.
AddPicture2 - Creates a picture from an existing file. Returns a Shape object that represents the new picture.
AddPlaceholder - Restores a previously deleted placeholder on a slide. Returns a Shape object that represents the restored placeholder.
AddPolyline - Creates an open polyline or a closed polygon drawing. Returns a Shape object that represents the new polyline or polygon.
AddShape - Creates an AutoShape. Returns a Shape object that represents the new AutoShape.
AddSmartArt - Adds a SmartArt diagram to the Shapes object.
AddTable - Adds a table shape to a slide.
AddTextbox - Creates a text box. Returns a Shape object that represents the new text box.
AddTextEffect - Creates a WordArt object. Returns a Shape object that represents the new WordArt object.
AddTitle - Restores a previously deleted title placeholder to a slide. Returns a Shape object that represents the restored title.
BuildFreeform - Builds a freeform object. Returns a FreeformBuilder object that represents the freeform as it is being built.
Item - Returns a single Shape object from the specified Shapes collection.
Paste - Pastes the shapes, slides, or text on the Clipboard into the specified Shapes collection, at the top of the z-order. Each pasted object becomes a member of the specified Shapes collection. If the Clipboard contains entire slides, the slides will be pasted as shapes that contain the images of the slides. If the Clipboard contains a text range, the text will be pasted into a newly created TextFrame shape. Returns a ShapeRange object that represents the pasted objects.
PasteSpecial - Pastes the contents of the Clipboard, using a special format.
Range - Returns a ShapeRange object that represents a subset of the shapes in a Shapes collection.
SelectAll - Selects all the shapes in a Shapes collection.
Count returns the number of objects in the specified collection.
HasTitle returns whether the collection of objects on the specified slide contains a title placeholder.
Placeholders returns a Placeholders collection that represents the collection of all the placeholders on a slide.
Title returns a Shape object that represents the slide title.