Boolean functions in VBA

This page gives an overview of the VBA Boolean functions with example code showing how they are used. A link is provided for each function to its documentation on microsoft learn VBA site.

Code VBA IntelliSense makes these function accessible under submenu VBA, see screenshot. intellisense menu with boolean functions.

Hovering a menu you see an explanation what a procedure does, and what the inserted code will look like, depending on changes you make in the Function Call Builder dialog.

IsArray - Indicates whether a variable is an array

The IsArray function returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable is an array.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsArray » 

Dim MyArray(1 To 5) As Integer, YourArray, MyCheck    ' Declare array variables.'
YourArray = Array(1, 2, 3)    ' Use Array function.'
MyCheck = IsArray(MyArray)    ' Returns True.'
MyCheck = IsArray(YourArray)    ' Returns True.'

IsDate - Indicates if the variable is a date

The IsDate function returns True if the expression is a date or is recognizable as a valid date or time; otherwise, it returns False.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsDate » 

Dim MyVar, MyCheck
MyVar = "04/28/2023"    ' Assign valid date value.'
MyCheck = IsDate(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'
MyCheck = IsDate(MyVar)    ' Returns False.'

MyVar = "04.28.14"    ' Assign valid time value.'
MyCheck = IsDate(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'

MyVar = "04.28.2023"    ' Assign invalid time value.'
MyCheck = IsDate(MyVar)    ' Returns False.'
MyVar = "13/32/2023"    ' Assign invalid d'


IsEmpty - Indicates whether a variable has been initialized

The IsEmpty function returns a Boolean value indicating whether a variable has been initialized.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsEmpty » 

Dim MyVar, MyCheck
MyCheck = IsEmpty(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'

MyVar = Null    ' Assign Null.'
MyCheck = IsEmpty(MyVar)    ' Returns False.'

MyVar = Empty    ' Assign Empty.'
MyCheck = IsEmpty(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'


IsError - Indicates whether an expression is an error value

The IsError function returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression is an error value.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsError » 

Dim ReturnVal, MyCheck
ReturnVal = UserFunction()
MyCheck = IsError(ReturnVal)    ' Returns True.'


IsMissing - True if a procedure's optional Variant argument has been left empty

The IsMissing function returns a Boolean value indicating whether an optional Variant argument has been passed to a procedure.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsMissing » 

Sub MySub(Optional MyVar As String = "specialvalue")
    If MyVar = "specialvalue" Then
        ' MyVar was omitted.'
End Sub


IsNull - True if an expression contains no valid data

The IsNull function returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an expression contains no valid data (Null).

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsNull » 

Dim MyVar, MyCheck
MyCheck = IsNull(MyVar)    ' Returns False.'

MyVar = ""
MyCheck = IsNull(MyVar)    ' Returns False.'

MyVar = Null
MyCheck = IsNull(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'


IsNumeric - Indicates whether an expression can be evaluated as a number

The IsNumeric function returns a Boolean value indicating whether an expression can be evaluated as a number.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsNumeric » 

Dim MyVar, MyCheck
MyVar = "53"    ' Assign value.'
MyCheck = IsNumeric(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'

MyVar = "459.95"    ' Assign value.'
MyCheck = IsNumeric(MyVar)    ' Returns True.'

MyVar = "45 Help"    ' Assign value.'
MyCheck = IsNumeric(MyVar)    ' Returns False.'


IsObject - True if an identifier represents an object variable

The IsObject function returns a Boolean value indicating whether an identifier represents an object variable.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> IsObject » 

Dim MyInt As Integer              ' Declare variables.'
Dim YourObject, MyCheck           ' Note: Default variable type is Variant.'
Dim MyObject As Object
Set YourObject = MyObject         ' Assign an object reference.'
MyCheck = IsObject(YourObject)    ' Returns True.'
MyCheck = IsObject(MyInt)         ' Returns False.'
MyCheck = IsObject(Nothing)       ' Returns True.'
MyCheck = IsObject(Empty)         ' Returns False.'
MyCheck = IsObject(Null)          ' Returns False.'


StringStartsWith - Tests if a string variable starts with a certain value

The StringStartsWith function 0

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> StringStartsWith » 

StringStartsWith - Tests if a string variable ends with a certain value

The StringEndsWith function 0

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> StringEndsWith » 

StringStartsWith - Tests if a string variable contains a certain value

The StringContains function 0

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> StringContains » 

FolderExists - Determine if a folder with a specified path exists

The FolderExists function returns True if a specified folder exists; False if it does not.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> FolderExists » 


FileExists - Determine if a file with a specified path exists

The FileExists function returns True if a specified file exists; False if it does not.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> FileExists » 


EOF - Indicates if the end of a file has been reached

The EOF function returns an Integer containing the Boolean value True when the end of a file opened for Random or sequential Input has been reached.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> EOF » 

Dim InputData
Open "MYFILE" For Input As #1    ' Open file for input.'
Do While Not EOF(1)    ' Check for end of file.'
    Line Input #1, InputData    ' Read line of data.'
    Debug.Print InputData    ' Print to the Immediate window.'
Close #1    ' Close file.'


Cbool - Converts a value to a boolean

The Cbool function converts a value to a boolean. Can only be used in Excel.

From the Code VBA toolbar, select VBA > String> Cbool » 

Dim LCompare as Boolean
LCompare = CBool(1=2)