Class Table (Outlook VBA)

The class Table represents a set of item data from a Folder or Search object, with items as rows of the table and properties as columns of the table.

The classes Conversation, Folder, Row, Search and TableView. give access to class Table

Dim tbl as Table
Set tbl = AdvancedSearch.GetTable()


FindNextRow - Finds the next row in the Table that meets the criteria specified in a preceding Table.

FindRow - Finds the first row in the Table that meets the criteria specified in Filter.

GetArray - Obtains a two-dimensional array that contains a set of row and column values from the Table.

GetNextRow - Moves the current row to the next row in the Table and obtains that row in the Table.

GetRowCount - Obtains the number of rows in the Table.

MoveToStart - Moves the current row of the Table to just before the first row of the Table.

Restrict - Applies a filter to the rows in the Table and obtains a new Table object.

Sort - Sorts the rows of the Table by the property specified in SortProperty and resets the current row to just before the first row in the Table.


Class returns a constant in the OlObjectClass enumeration indicating the class of the Table object.

Columns returns a Columns collection object that contains the columns defined for the Table.

EndOfTable returns a Boolean that indicates whether the current row is positioned after the last row in the Table object.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

Columns - Represents the collection of Column objects in a Table object.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

Row - Represents a row of data in the Table object.