Class Search (Outlook VBA)

Contains information about individual searches performed against Outlook items.

Class Application gives access to class Search.

Dim src as Search
Set src = Dim strScope As String: strScope = 


GetTable - Obtains a Table object that contains items filtered by the Filter parameter in a preceding Application.AdvancedSearch method call.

Save - Saves the search results to a Search Folder.

Stop - Immediately ends the search that is being performed currently.


Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

Filter returns a String value that represents the DASL statement used to restrict the search to a specified subset of data. Read-only

IsSynchronous returns a Boolean indicating whether the search is synchronous.

Results returns a Results collection that specifies the results of the search.

Scope returns a String that specifies the scope of the specified search.

SearchSubFolders returns a Boolean indicating whether the scope of the specified search included the subfolders of any folders searched.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

Tag returns a String specifying the name of the current search. The Tag property is used to identify a specific search.

Folder - Represents an Outlook folder.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

Results - Contains data and results returned by the Search object and the AdvancedSearch method.

Table - Represents a set of item data from a Folder or Search object, with items as rows of the table and properties as columns of the table.