Class RuleActions (Outlook VBA)

The RuleActions object contains a set of RuleAction objects or objects derived from RuleAction, representing the actions that are executed on a Rule object.

Class Rule gives access to class RuleActions.

Dim ras as RuleActions
Set ras = Session.DefaultStore.GetRules(1).Actions


Item - Obtains a RuleAction object specified by Index which is a numerical index into the RuleActions collection.


AssignToCategory returns an AssignToCategoryRuleAction object with AssignToCategoryRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleAssignToCategory.

CC returns a SendRuleAction object with SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionCcMessage.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

ClearCategories returns a RuleAction object with a RuleAction.ActionType of olRuleActionClearCategories.

CopyToFolder returns a MoveOrCopyRuleAction object with MoveOrCopyRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionCopyToFolder.

Count returns a Long indicating the count of objects in the specified collection.

Delete returns a RuleAction object with RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionDelete.

DeletePermanently returns a RuleAction object with RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionDeletePermanently.

DesktopAlert returns a RuleAction object with RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionDesktopAlert.

Forward returns a SendRuleAction object with SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionForward.

ForwardAsAttachment returns a SendRuleAction object with SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment.

MarkAsTask returns a MarkAsTaskRuleAction object with MarkAsTaskRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionMarkAsTask.

MoveToFolder returns a MoveOrCopyRuleAction object with MoveOrCopyRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionMoveToFolder.

NewItemAlert returns a NewItemAlertRuleAction object with ActionType being olRuleActionNewItemAlert.

NotifyDelivery returns a RuleAction object with RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionNotifyDelivery.

NotifyRead returns a RuleAction object with RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionNotifyRead.

PlaySound returns a PlaySoundRuleAction object with PlaySoundRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionNotifyRead.

Redirect returns a SendRuleAction object with SendRuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionRedirect.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

Stop returns a RuleAction object with RuleAction.ActionType being olRuleActionStop.