Class Rule (Outlook VBA)

The class Rule represents an Outlook rule.

Dim rul as Rule
Set rul = Session.DefaultStore.GetRules(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Rule items in a collection.

Dim rulGetRule As Rule
For Each rulGetRule In Session.DefaultStore.GetRules()
Next rulGetRule


Execute - Applies a rule as a one-off operation.


Actions returns a RuleActions collection object that represents all the available rule actions for the rule.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

Conditions returns a RuleConditions collection object that represents all the available rule conditions for the rule.

Enabled returns or sets a Boolean value that determines if the rule is to be applied.

Exceptions returns a RuleConditions collection object that represents all the available rule exception conditions for the rule.

ExecutionOrder returns or sets a Long that indicates the order of execution of the rule among other rules in the Rules collection.

IsLocalRule returns a Boolean that indicates if the rule executes as a client-side rule.

Name returns or sets a String representing the name of the rule.

RuleType returns a constant from the OlRuleType enumeration that indicates if the rule applies to messages that are being sent or received.

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

RuleActions - The RuleActions object contains a set of RuleAction objects or objects derived from RuleAction, representing the actions that are executed on a Rule object.

RuleConditions - Contains a set of RuleCondition objects or objects derived from RuleCondition, representing the conditions or exception conditions that must be satisfied in order for the Rule to execute.