Class DependencyInfo (Access VBA)

The class DependencyInfo represents the dependency information for an AccessObject object. To use a DependencyInfo class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example


Returns a DependencyObjects collection that represents the objects that depend on the specified AccessObject object.

To return the collection of objects that an AccessObject object depends on, use the Dependencies property of the DependencyInfo object.



Returns a DependencyObjects collection that represents the objects that the specified AccessObject object depends on.

To return the collection of objects that depend on the specified AccessObject object, use the Dependants property of the DependencyInfo object.



Returns a DependencyObjects collection that contains a collection of objects to which you don't have sufficient permissions to check for dependencies.

The DependencyObjects collection returned by this property contains a collection of AccessObject objects.



Returns a DependencyObjects collection that represents the AccessObject objects for which the dependency information is outdated.

You can use the following code to update the dependency information for all of the objects in the database.



Returns a DependencyObjects collection that contains objects that cannot be searched for dependency.

The DependencyObjects collection returned by this property contains a collection of AccessObject objects.
