Class AccessObject (Access VBA)

An AccessObject object refers to a particular Access object.


GetDependencyInfo - Returns a DependencyInfo object that represents the database objects that are dependent upon the specified object.

IsDependentUpon - Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified object is dependent upon the database object specified in the ObjectName argument.


CurrentView returns the current view for the specified Access object.

DateCreated returns a Date indicating the date and time when the design of the specified object was last modified.

DateModified returns a Date indicating the date and time when the design of the specified object was last modified.

FullName sets or returns the full path (including the file name) of a specific object.

IsLoaded you can use the IsLoaded property to determine if an AccessObject object is currently loaded.

IsWeb gets whether the specified object is a web object.

Name you can use the Name property to determine the string expression that identifies the name of an object.

Properties returns a reference to an AccessObject object's AccessObjectProperties collection.

Type returns the value of an AccessObject object type.

AccessObjectProperties - The AccessObjectProperties collection contains all of the custom AccessObjectProperty objects of a specific instance of an object. These AccessObjectProperty objects (which are often just called properties) uniquely characterize that instance of the object.

DependencyInfo - Represents the dependency information for an AccessObject object.