Class TextColumn (Word VBA)

The class TextColumn represents a single text column. The TextColumn object is a member of the TextColumns collection. The TextColumns collection includes all the columns in a document or section of a document. To use a TextColumn class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim tcn as TextColumn
Set tcn = ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TextColumns(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the TextColumn items in a collection.

Dim tcn As TextColumn
For Each tcn In ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TextColumns
Next tcn


Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in points) after the specified paragraph or text column.

With ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TextColumns 
 .SetCount NumColumns:=3 
 .LineBetween = False 
 .EvenlySpaced = True 
 .Item(1).SpaceAfter = InchesToPoints(0.5) 
End With


Returns or sets the width, in points, of the specified text columns.

Selection.PageSetup.TextColumns.SetCount NumColumns:=3 
For Each acol In Selection.PageSetup.TextColumns 
 MsgBox "Width= " & PointsToInches(acol.Width) 
Next acol