Class System (Word VBA)

Contains information about the computer system.

Class Application gives access to class System.

Dim sys as System
Set sys = System


Connect - Establishes a connection to a network drive.

MSInfo - Starts the Microsoft System Information application if it is not running, or switches to it if it is already running.



CountryRegion returns the country/region designation of the system.

Cursor returns or sets the state (shape) of the pointer. Can be one of the following WdCursorType constants: wdCursorIBeam, wdCursorNormal, wdCursorNorthwestArrow, or wdCursorWait.

FreeDiskSpace returns the available disk space for the current drive, in bytes. Use the ChDrive statement to change the current drive.

HorizontalResolution returns the horizontal display resolution, in pixels.

LanguageDesignation returns the designated language of the system software.


MathCoprocessorInstalled true if a math coprocessor is installed on the system.

OperatingSystem returns the name of the current operating system (for example, "Windows" or "Windows Server").

PrivateProfileString returns or sets a string in a settings file or the Microsoft Windows registry.

ProfileString returns or sets a value for an entry in the Windows registry under the following subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\version\Word.


Version returns the version number of the operating system.

VerticalResolution returns the vertical screen resolution in pixels.