Class SpellingSuggestions (Word VBA)
A collection of SpellingSuggestion objects that represent all the suggestions for a specified word or for the first word in the specified range. To use a SpellingSuggestions class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example
Dim sss as SpellingSuggestions
Set sss = Dim strWord As String: strWord =
Returns a Long that represents the number of spelling suggestions in the collection.
Dim lngCount As Long
lngCount = GetSpellingSuggestions.Count
Returns an individual SpellingSuggestion object in a collection.
Item (Index)
Index: The individual object to be returned. Can be a Long indicating the ordinal position of the individual object.
Dim ssn As SpellingSuggestion
Set ssn = GetSpellingSuggestions(Index:=1)
Returns the spelling error type. Possible return values are wdSpellingCapitalization - Capitalization error, wdSpellingCorrect - Spelling is correct, wdSpellingNotInDictionary - The word is not in the specified dictionary.
Use the GetSpellingSuggestions method to return a collection of words suggested as spelling replacements. If a word is misspelled, the CheckSpelling method returns True.
Set suggs = ActiveDocument.Content.GetSpellingSuggestions
If suggs.SpellingErrorType = wdSpellingNotInDictionary Then
StatusBar = "Unknown word"
End If