Selection.MoveRight (Word)

Moves the selection to the right and returns the number of units it has been moved.

When the Unit is wdCell, the Extend argument can only be wdMove.

MoveRight (Unit, Count, Extend)

With Selection 
 Set MyRange = .GoTo(wdGoToField, wdGoToPrevious) 
 .MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend 
 If Selection.Fields.Count = 1 Then Selection.Fields(1).Update 
End With


Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional

Unit (WdUnits) - The unit by which the selection is to be moved.The default value is wdCharacter.

Here you can find possible values for WdUnits

Count (Long) - The number of units the selection is to be moved. The default value is 1.

Extend (WdMovementType) - Can be either wdMove or wdExtend. If wdMove is used, the selection is collapsed to the endpoint and moved to the right. If wdExtend is used, the selection is extended to the right. The default value is wdMove.

Possible return values are wdExtend - The end of the selection is extended to the end of the specified unit, wdMove - The selection is collapsed to an insertion point and moved to the end of the specified unit. Default.