Class ReflectionFormat (Word VBA)
The class ReflectionFormat represents the reflection formatting for a shape or range of shapes. To use a ReflectionFormat class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example
Dim rft as ReflectionFormat
Set rft = Selection.Font.Reflection
Returns or sets a Single that specifies the degree of blur effect applied to the specified object.
Selection.Font.Reflection.Blur =
Returns or sets the amount of separation, in points, of the reflected image from the shape.
Selection.Font.Reflection.Offset =
Returns or sets the size of the reflection as a percentage of the reflected shape from 0 to 100.
Selection.Font.Reflection.Size =
Returns or sets the degree of transparency for the reflection effect as a value between 0.0 (opaque) and 1.0 (clear).
Selection.Font.Reflection.Transparency =
Returns or sets an MsoLightRigType constant that represents the type and direction of the lighting for a shape reflection.
Selection.Font.Reflection.Type =