Range.Kana (Word)

Returns or sets whether the specified range of Japanese language text is hiragana or katakana. Possible return values are wdKanaHiragana - The text is formatted as Hiragana, wdKanaKatakana - The text is formatted as Katakana.

This property returns wdUndefined if the range contains a mix of hiragana and katakana or if the range contains some non-Japanese text. If you set the Kana property to wdUndefined, an error occurs.

Select Case Selection.Range.Kana 
 Case wdKanaHiragana 
 MsgBox "This text is hiragana." 
 Case wdKanaKatakana 
 MsgBox "This text is katakana." 
 Case wdUndefined 
 MsgBox "This text is a mix of " _ 
 & "hiragana and katakana." 
End Select