Class Options (Word VBA)

The class Options represents application and document options in Word. Many of the properties for the Options object correspond to items in the Options dialog box.

Class Application gives access to class Options.

Dim opts as Options
Set opts = Options


AddBiDirectionalMarksWhenSavingTextFile true if Microsoft Word adds bidirectional control characters when saving a document as a text file.

AddControlCharacters true if Microsoft Word adds bidirectional control characters when cutting and copying text.

AddHebDoubleQuote true if Microsoft Word encloses number formats in double quotation marks (").

AlertIfNotDefault returns or sets a Boolean that is True if users are notified if Word is not the default program for viewing and editing documents.

AllowAccentedUppercase true if accents are retained when a French language character is changed to uppercase.

AllowClickAndTypeMouse true if Click and Type functionality is enabled.


AllowCombinedAuxiliaryForms true if Microsoft Word ignores auxiliary verb forms when checking spelling in a Korean language document.

AllowCompoundNounProcessing true if Microsoft Word ignores compound nouns when checking spelling in a Korean language document.

AllowDragAndDrop true if dragging can be used to move or copy a selection.

AllowOpenInDraftView returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to allow users to open documents in draft view.

AllowPixelUnits true if Microsoft Word uses pixels as the default unit of measurement for HTML features that support measurements.

AllowReadingMode true indicates that Microsoft Word opens documents in Reading Layout view.

AnimateScreenMovements true if Word animates mouse movements, uses animated cursors, and animates actions such as background saving and find and replace operations.

ApplyFarEastFontsToAscii true if Microsoft Word applies East Asian fonts to Latin text.

ArabicMode returns or sets the mode for the Arabic spelling checker.

ArabicNumeral returns or sets the numeral style for an Arabic language document.

AutoCreateNewDrawings true for Microsoft Word to draw newly created shapes in a drawing canvas.

AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists true if characters (such as asterisks, hyphens, and greater-than signs) at the beginning of list paragraphs are replaced with bullets from the Bullets and Numbering dialog box (Format menu) when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatApplyFirstIndents true if Microsoft Word replaces a space entered at the beginning of a paragraph with a first-line indent when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatApplyHeadings true if styles are automatically applied to headings when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatApplyLists true if styles are automatically applied to lists when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatApplyOtherParas true if styles are automatically applied to paragraphs that aren't headings or list items when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders true if a series of three or more hyphens (-), equal signs (=), or underscore characters (_) are automatically replaced by a specific border line when the ENTER key is pressed.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists true if bullet characters (such as asterisks, hyphens, and greater-than signs) are replaced with bullets from the Bullets And Numbering dialog box (Format menu) as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyClosings true for Microsoft Word to automatically apply the Closing style to letter closings as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyDates true for Microsoft Word to automatically apply the Date style to dates as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents true for Microsoft Word to automatically replace a space entered at the beginning of a paragraph with a first-line indent.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings true if styles are automatically applied to headings as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists true if paragraphs are automatically formatted as numbered lists with a numbering scheme from the Bullets and Numbering dialog box (Format menu), according to what's typed. For example, if a paragraph starts with "1.1" and a tab character, Word automatically inserts "1.2" and a tab character after the ENTER key is pressed.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables true if Word automatically creates a table when you type a plus sign, a series of hyphens, another plus sign, and so on, and then press ENTER. The plus signs become the column borders, and the hyphens become the column widths.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard true for Microsoft Word to automatically start the Letter Wizard when the user enters a letter salutation or closing.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles true if Word automatically creates new styles based on manual formatting.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeDeleteAutoSpaces true for Microsoft Word to automatically delete spaces inserted between Japanese and Latin text as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning true if Word repeats character formatting applied to the beginning of a list item to the next list item.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings true for Microsoft Word to automatically insert the corresponding memo closing when the user enters a memo heading.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertOvers true for Microsoft Word to automatically insert "以上" when the user enters "記" or "案".

AutoFormatAsYouTypeMatchParentheses true for Microsoft Word to automatically correct improperly paired parentheses.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFarEastDashes true for Microsoft Word to automatically correct long vowel sounds and dashes.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions true if typed fractions are replaced with fractions from the current character set as you type. For example, "1/2" is replaced with "½.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks true if email addresses, server and share names (also known as UNC paths), and Internet addresses (also known as URLs) are automatically changed to hyperlinks as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals true if the ordinal number suffixes "st", "nd", "rd", and "th" are replaced with the same letters in superscript as you type. For example, "1st" is replaced with "1" followed by "st" formatted as superscript.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis true if manual emphasis characters are automatically replaced with character formatting as you type. For example, "bold" is changed to " bold " and "underline" is changed to "underline.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes true if straight quotation marks are automatically changed to smart (curly) quotation marks as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols true if two consecutive hyphens (--) are replaced with an en dash (-) or an em dash (—) as you type. Read/write Boolean.If the hyphens are typed with leading and trailing spaces, Word replaces the hyphens with an en dash; if there are no trailing spaces, the hyphens are replaced with an em dash.

AutoFormatDeleteAutoSpaces true if spaces inserted between Japanese and Latin text will be deleted when Microsoft Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatMatchParentheses true if improperly paired parentheses are corrected when Microsoft Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail true if Word automatically formats plain-text email messages when you open them in Word.

AutoFormatPreserveStyles true if previously applied styles are preserved when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatReplaceFarEastDashes true if long vowel sound and dash use is corrected when Microsoft Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatReplaceFractions true if typed fractions are replaced with fractions from the current character set when Word formats a document or range automatically. For example, "1/2" is replaced with "½.

AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks true if email addresses, server and share names (also known as UNC paths), and Internet addresses (also known as URLs) are automatically formatted whenever Word AutoFormats a document or range.

AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals true if the ordinal number suffixes "st", "nd", "rd", and "th" are replaced with the same letters in superscript when Word formats a document or range automatically. For example, "1st" is replaced with "1" followed by "st" formatted as superscript.

AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis true if manual emphasis characters are replaced with character formatting when Word formats a document or range automatically. For example, "bold" is changed to "bold" and "underline" is changed to "underline.

AutoFormatReplaceQuotes true if straight quotation marks are automatically changed to smart (curly) quotation marks when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoFormatReplaceSymbols true if two consecutive hyphens (--) are replaced by an en dash (-) or an em dash (—) when Word formats a document or range automatically.

AutoKeyboardSwitching true if Microsoft Word automatically switches the keyboard language to match what you are typing at any given time.

AutoWordSelection true if dragging selects one word at a time instead of one character at a time.

BackgroundSave true if Word saves documents in the background. When Word is saving in the background, users can continue to type and to choose commands.

BibliographySort returns or sets a String that represents the order in which to display sources in the Source Manager dialog box.

BibliographyStyle returns or sets a String that represents the name of the style to use for formatting bibliographies.

BrazilReform returns or sets the mode for the Brazilian Portuguese speller.

ButtonFieldClicks returns or sets the number of clicks (either one or two) required to run a GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON field.

CheckGrammarAsYouType true if Word checks grammar and marks errors automatically as you type.

CheckGrammarWithSpelling true if Word checks grammar while checking spelling.

CheckHangulEndings true if Microsoft Word automatically detects Hangul endings and ignores them during conversion from Hangul to Hanja.

CheckSpellingAsYouType true if Microsoft Word checks spelling and marks errors automatically as you type.

CloudSignInOption true to give users the option to sign in to Microsoft OneDrive and other cloud locations.

CommentsColor returns or sets a WdColorIndex constant that represents the color of comments in a document.

ConfirmConversions true if Word displays the Convert File dialog box before it opens or inserts a file that isn't a Word document or template. In the Convert File dialog box, the user chooses the format to convert the file from.

ContextualSpeller returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to use the contextual speller to check spelling based on the context of a word and the words around it.

ConvertHighAnsiToFarEast true if Microsoft Word converts text that is associated with an East Asian font to the appropriate font when it opens a document.

CreateBackup true if Word creates a backup copy each time a document is saved.

CtrlClickHyperlinkToOpen true if Microsoft Word requires holding down the Ctrl key while clicking to open a hyperlink.

CursorMovement returns or sets how the insertion point progresses within bidirectional text.

DefaultBorderColor returns or sets the default 24-bit color to use for new Border objects.

DefaultBorderColorIndex returns or sets the default line color for borders.

DefaultBorderLineStyle returns or sets the default border line style.

DefaultBorderLineWidth returns or sets the default line width of borders.

DefaultEPostageApp sets or returns a String that represents the path and file name of the default electronic postage application.

DefaultFilePath returns or sets default folders for items such as documents, templates, and graphics.

DefaultHighlightColorIndex returns or sets the color used to highlight text formatted with the Highlight button (Formatting toolbar).

DefaultOpenFormat returns or sets the default file converter used to open documents. Can be a number returned by the OpenFormat property, or one of the following WdOpenFormat constants.

DefaultTextEncoding returns or sets an MsoEncoding constant representing the code page, or character set, that Microsoft Word uses for all documents saved as encoded text files.

DefaultTray returns or sets the default tray your printer uses to print documents.

DefaultTrayID returns or sets the default tray your printer uses to print documents.

DeletedCellColor returns or sets a WdCellColor constant that represents the color for a deleted cell.

DeletedTextColor returns or sets the color of text that is deleted while change tracking is enabled.

DeletedTextMark returns or sets the format of text that is deleted while change tracking is enabled.

DiacriticColorVal returns or sets the 24-bit color to be used for diacritics in a right-to-left language document.

DisableFeaturesbyDefault true for Microsoft Word to disable in all documents all features introduced after the version of Word specified in the DisableFeaturesIntroducedAfterbyDefault. The default value is False.

DisableFeaturesIntroducedAfterbyDefault disables all features introduced after a the specified version for all documents.

DisplayAlignmentGuides returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether alignment guides are enabled in the user interface.

DisplayGridLines true if Microsoft Word displays the document grid. This property is the equivalent of the Gridlines command on the View menu.

DisplayPasteOptions true for Microsoft Word to display the Paste Options button, which displays directly under newly pasted text.

DocumentViewDirection returns or sets the alignment and reading order for the entire document.

DoNotPromptForConvert sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to prompt a warning dialog when the Convert command is invoked for documents that are in compatibility mode.

EnableHangulHanjaRecentOrdering true if Microsoft Word displays the most recently used words at the top of the suggestions list during conversion between Hangul and Hanja.

EnableLegacyIMEMode returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to enable legacy IME mode.

EnableLiveDrag returns or sets a Boolean that is True if live drag is enabled.

EnableLivePreview sets or returns a Boolean that represents whether to show or hide gallery previews that appear when using galleries that support previewing. True shows a preview in your document before applying the command.

EnableMisusedWordsDictionary true if Microsoft Word checks for misused words when checking the spelling and grammar in a document.

EnableProofingToolsAdvertisement returns or sets a Boolean value that, when True, specifies that users be notified when additional proofing tools are available for download.

EnableSound true if Word makes the computer respond with a sound whenever an error occurs.

EnvelopeFeederInstalled true if the current printer has a special feeder for envelopes.

ExpandHeadingsOnOpen true to expand all headings in the document when the document opens.

FormatScanning true for Microsoft Word to keep track of all formatting in a document.

FrenchReform returns or sets a WdFrenchSpeller constant that represents which spelling dictionary to use for regions of text with language formatting set to French.

GridDistanceHorizontal returns or sets the amount of horizontal space between the invisible gridlines that Word uses when you draw, move, and resize AutoShapes or East Asian characters in new documents.

GridDistanceVertical returns or sets the amount of vertical space between the invisible gridlines that Word uses when you draw, move, and resize AutoShapes or East Asian characters in new documents.

GridOriginHorizontal returns or sets the point, relative to the left edge of the page, where you want the invisible grid for drawing, moving, and resizing AutoShapes or East Asian characters to begin in new documents.

GridOriginVertical returns or sets the point, relative to the top of the page, where you want the invisible grid for drawing, moving, and resizing AutoShapes or East Asian characters to begin in new documents.

HangulHanjaFastConversion true if Microsoft Word automatically converts a word with only one suggestion during conversion between Hangul and Hanja.

HebrewMode returns or sets the mode for the Hebrew spelling checker.

IgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses true if file name extensions, MS-DOS paths, email addresses, server and share names (also known as UNC paths), and Internet addresses (also known as URLs) are ignored while checking spelling.

IgnoreMixedDigits true if words that contain numbers are ignored while checking spelling.

IgnoreUppercase true if words in all uppercase letters are ignored while checking spelling.

IMEAutomaticControl true if Microsoft Word is set to automatically open and close the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME).

InlineConversion true if Microsoft Word displays an unconfirmed character string in the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) as an insertion between existing (confirmed) character strings.

InsertedCellColor returns or sets a WdCellColor constant that represents the color for an inserted table cell.

InsertedTextColor returns or sets the color of text that is inserted while change tracking is enabled.

InsertedTextMark returns or sets how Microsoft Word formats inserted text while change tracking is enabled (the TrackRevisions property is True).

INSKeyForOvertype true if the INS key can be used for switching Overtype on and off.

INSKeyForPaste true if the INS key can be used for pasting the Clipboard contents.

InterpretHighAnsi returns or sets the high-ANSI text interpretation behavior.


LocalNetworkFile true if Microsoft Word creates a local copy of a file on the user's computer when editing a file stored on a network server.

MapPaperSize true if documents formatted for another country's/region's standard paper size (for example, A4) are automatically adjusted so that they're printed correctly on your country's/region's standard paper size (for example, Letter).

MarginAlignmentGuides returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether margin alignment guides are displayed in the user interface.

MatchFuzzyAY true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " " and " " following -row and -row characters during a search.

MatchFuzzyBV true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " " and " " and between " " and " " during a search.

MatchFuzzyByte true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between full-width and half-width characters (Latin or Japanese) during a search.

MatchFuzzyCase true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters during a search.

MatchFuzzyDash true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between minus signs, long vowel sounds, and dashes during a search.

MatchFuzzyDZ true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " " and " " and between " " and " " during a search.

MatchFuzzyHF true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " " and " " and between " " and " " during a search.

MatchFuzzyHiragana true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between hiragana and katakana during a search.

MatchFuzzyIterationMark true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between types of repetition marks during a search.

MatchFuzzyKanji true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between standard and nonstandard kanji ideography during a search.

MatchFuzzyKiKu true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " " and " " before -row characters during a search.

MatchFuzzyOldKana true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between new kana and old kana characters during a search.

MatchFuzzyProlongedSoundMark true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between short and long vowel sounds during a search.

MatchFuzzyPunctuation true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between types of punctuation marks during a search.

MatchFuzzySmallKana true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between diphthongs and double consonants during a search.

MatchFuzzySpace true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between space markers used during a search.

MatchFuzzyTC true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " ", " ", and " ", and between " " and " " during a search.

MatchFuzzyZJ true if Microsoft Word ignores the distinction between " " and " " and between " " and " " during a search.

MeasurementUnit returns or sets the standard measurement unit for Microsoft Word.

MergedCellColor returns or sets a WdCellColor constant that represents the color for merged table cells.

MonthNames returns or sets the direction for conversion between Hangul and Hanja.

MoveFromTextColor returns or sets a WdColorIndex constant that represents the color of moved text.

MoveFromTextMark returns or sets a WdMoveFromTextMark constant that represents the type of revision mark to use for moved text.

MoveToTextColor returns or sets a WdColorIndex constant that represents the color of moved text.

MoveToTextMark returns or sets a WdMoveToTextMark constant that represents the type of revision mark to use for moved text.

MultipleWordConversionsMode returns or sets the direction for conversion between Hangul and Hanja.

OMathAutoBuildUp returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word automatically converts equations to professional format. True indicates that Word automatically converts equations to professional format.

OMathCopyLF returns or sets a Boolean that represents how equations are represented in plain text. True indicates equations are represented in Linear Format. False indicates equations are represented in MathML.

OptimizeForWord97byDefault true if Microsoft Word optimizes all new documents for viewing in Word 97 by disabling any incompatible formatting.

Overtype true if Overtype mode is active.

PageAlignmentGuides returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether page alignment guides are displayed in the user interface.

Pagination true if Microsoft Word repaginates documents in the background.

ParagraphAlignmentGuides returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether paragraph alignment guides are displayed in the user interface.

PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing true if Microsoft Word automatically adjusts the spacing of paragraphs when cutting and pasting selections.

PasteAdjustTableFormatting true if Microsoft Word automatically adjusts the formatting of tables when cutting and pasting selections.

PasteAdjustWordSpacing true if Microsoft Word automatically adjusts the spacing of words when cutting and pasting selections.

PasteFormatBetweenDocuments returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied from another Microsoft Office Word document.

PasteFormatBetweenStyledDocuments returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied from a document that uses styles.

PasteFormatFromExternalSource returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied from an external source, such as a webpage.

PasteFormatWithinDocument returns or sets a WdPasteOptions constant that represents how text is pasted when text is copied or cut and then pasted in the same document.

PasteMergeFromPPT true to merge text formatting when pasting from Microsoft PowerPoint.

PasteMergeFromXL true to merge table formatting when pasting from Microsoft Excel.

PasteMergeLists true to merge the formatting of pasted lists with surrounding lists.

PasteOptionKeepBulletsAndNumbers returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to keep bullets and numbering when selecting Keep text only from the Paste Options context menu.

PasteSmartCutPaste true if Microsoft Word intelligently pastes selections into a document.

PasteSmartStyleBehavior true if Microsoft Word intelligently merges styles when pasting a selection from a different document.

PictureEditor returns or sets the name of the application to use to edit pictures.

PictureWrapType sets or returns a WdWrapTypeMerged that indicates how Microsoft Word wraps text around pictures.

PortugalReform returns or sets the mode for the European Portuguese speller.

PrecisePositioning returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Word optimizes character positioning for print layout rather than on-screen readability. True disables the default setting that compresses character spacing to facilitate on-screen readability and enables character spacing for print media.

PreferCloudSaveLocations true to save new documents in web locations by default.

PrintBackground true if Microsoft Word prints in the background.

PrintBackgrounds returns a Boolean that represents whether background colors and images are printed when a document is printed.

PrintComments true if Microsoft Word prints comments, starting on a new page at the end of the document.

PrintDraft true if Microsoft Word prints using minimal formatting.

PrintDrawingObjects true if Microsoft Word prints drawing objects.

PrintEvenPagesInAscendingOrder true if Microsoft Word prints even pages in ascending order during manual duplex printing.

PrintFieldCodes true if Microsoft Word prints field codes instead of field results.

PrintHiddenText true if hidden text is printed.

PrintOddPagesInAscendingOrder true if Microsoft Word prints odd pages in ascending order during manual duplex printing.

PrintProperties true if Microsoft Word prints document summary information on a separate page at the end of the document.

PrintReverse true if Microsoft Word prints pages in reverse order.

PrintXMLTag returns a Boolean that represents whether to print the XML tags when printing a document. Corresponds to the XML tags check box on the Print tab in the Options dialog box.

PromptUpdateStyle true displays a message asking the user to verify whether they want to reformat a style or reapply the original style formatting when changing the formatting of styles.

RepeatWord returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to mark words that are repeated when spelling is checked. True flags repeated words.

ReplaceSelection true if the result of typing or pasting replaces the selection.

RevisedLinesColor returns or sets the color of changed lines in a document with tracked changes.

RevisedLinesMark returns or sets the placement of changed lines in a document with tracked changes.

RevisedPropertiesColor returns or sets the color used to mark formatting changes while change tracking is enabled.

RevisedPropertiesMark returns or sets the mark used to show formatting changes while change tracking is enabled.

RevisionsBalloonPrintOrientation returns or sets a WdRevisionsBalloonPrintOrientation constant that represents the direction of revision and comment balloons when they are printed.

RTFInClipboard you have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword used only on the Macintosh. For information about the RTFInClipboard property for the Options object, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

SaveInterval returns or sets the time interval in minutes for saving AutoRecover information.

SaveNormalPrompt true if Microsoft Word prompts the user for confirmation to save changes to the Normal template before it closes.

SavePropertiesPrompt true if Microsoft Word prompts for document property information when saving a new document.

SendMailAttach true if the Send To command on the File menu inserts the active document as an attachment to a mail message.

SequenceCheck true to check the sequence of independent characters for South Asian text.


ShowControlCharacters true if bidirectional control characters are visible in the current document.

ShowDevTools returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the Developer tab is displayed in the ribbon.

ShowDiacritics true if diacritics are visible in a right-to-left language document.

ShowFormatError true for Microsoft Word to mark inconsistencies in formatting by placing a squiggly underline beneath text formatted similarly to other formatting that is used more frequently in a document.

ShowMarkupOpenSave returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word displays hidden markup when opening or saving a file.

ShowMenuFloaties returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to display mini toolbars when the user right-clicks in the document window.


ShowReadabilityStatistics true if Microsoft Word displays a list of summary statistics, including measures of readability, when it has finished checking grammar.

ShowSelectionFloaties returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether mini toolbars display when a user selects text.

SmartCursoring returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether smart cursoring is enabled. True enables smart cursoring.

SmartCutPaste true if Microsoft Word automatically adjusts the spacing between words and punctuation when cutting and pasting occurs.

SmartParaSelection true for Microsoft Word to include the paragraph mark in a selection when selecting most or all of a paragraph.

SnapToGrid true if AutoShapes or East Asian characters are automatically aligned with an invisible grid when they are drawn, moved, or resized.

SnapToShapes true if Word automatically aligns AutoShapes or East Asian characters with invisible gridlines that go through the vertical and horizontal edges of other AutoShapes or East Asian characters.

SpanishMode returns or sets the mode for the Spanish speller.

SplitCellColor returns or sets a WdCellColor that represents the color for split table cells.

StoreRSIDOnSave true for Microsoft Word to assign a random number to changes in a document, each time a document is saved, to facilitate comparing and merging documents.

StrictFinalYaa true if the spelling checker uses spelling rules regarding Arabic words ending with the letter yaa.

StrictInitialAlefHamza true if the spelling checker uses spelling rules regarding Arabic words beginning with an alef hamza.

StrictRussianE true if the spelling checker uses spelling rules regarding Russian words that use the strict ë character.

StrictTaaMarboota true if the spelling checker uses spelling rules to flag Arabic words ending with haa instead of taa marboota.

SuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly true if Microsoft Word draws spelling suggestions from the main dictionary only.

SuggestSpellingCorrections true if Microsoft Word always suggests alternative spellings for each misspelled word when checking spelling.

TabIndentKey true if the TAB and BACKSPACE keys can be used to increase and decrease, respectively, the left indent of paragraphs and if the BACKSPACE key can be used to change right-aligned paragraphs to centered paragraphs and centered paragraphs to left-aligned paragraphs.

TypeNReplace true for Microsoft Word to replace illegal South Asian characters.

UpdateFieldsAtPrint true if Microsoft Word updates fields automatically before printing a document.

UpdateFieldsWithTrackedChangesAtPrint true if Word allows fields containing tracked changes to update before printing.

UpdateLinksAtOpen true if Microsoft Word automatically updates all embedded OLE links in a document when it is opened.

UpdateLinksAtPrint true if Microsoft Word updates embedded links to other files before printing a document.

UpdateStyleListBehavior returns or sets a WdUpdateStyleListBehavior constant that specifies the behavior Word should take when updating a style to match a selection that contains numbering or bullets.

UseCharacterUnit true if Microsoft Word uses characters as the default measurement unit for the current document.

UseDiffDiacColor true if you can set the color of diacritics in the current document.

UseGermanSpellingReform true if Microsoft Word uses the German post-reform spelling rules when checking spelling.

UseLocalUserInfo returns or sets a Boolean; True if Microsoft Word identifies the document author based upon the User name and Initials settings on the General tab of the Options dialog box, and False if Word identifies the author based on the account information with which the user signed in to Office.

UseNormalStyleForList returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word uses the Normal style for bullets and numbering.

UseSubPixelPositioning returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether sub-pixel positioning is enabled.

VisualSelection returns or sets the selection behavior based on visual cursor movement in a right-to-left language document.

WarnBeforeSavingPrintingSendingMarkup true for Microsoft Word to display a warning when saving, printing, or sending as email a document containing comments or tracked changes.