Class OMathLimLow (Word VBA)

The class OMathLimLow represents the lower limit mathematical construct, consisting of text on the baseline and reduced-size text immediately below it. To use a OMathLimLow class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example


Returns an OMath object that represents the base of the specified equation object.

Dim oml As OMathLimLow: Set oml =  
Dim omhE As OMath
Set omhE = oml.E


Returns an OMath object that represents the limit of the lower limit object.

Dim oml As OMathLimLow: Set oml =  
Dim omhLim As OMath
Set omhLim = oml.Lim


Converts an equation from the lower limit to the upper limit.

Dim oml As OMathLimLow: Set oml =  
Dim omfToLimUpp As OMathFunction
Set omfToLimUpp = oml.ToLimUpp()