Class OMathAutoCorrect (Word VBA)
The class OMathAutoCorrect represents the math AutoCorrect feature in Microsoft Word. To access the math AutoCorrect entries, use the OMathAutoCorrectEntries collection. To use a OMathAutoCorrect class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example
Dim oma as OMathAutoCorrect
Set oma = Application.OMathAutoCorrect
Returns an OMathAutoCorrectEntries collection that represents the collection of equation autocorrect entries within the equation autocorrect feature.
Dim omasEntries As OMathAutoCorrectEntries
Set omasEntries = Application.OMathAutoCorrect.Entries
Returns an OMathRecognizedFunctions collection that represents the recognized functions that are automatically corrected using the equation autocorrect feature.
Dim omrsFunctions As OMathRecognizedFunctions
Set omrsFunctions = Application.OMathAutoCorrect.Functions
Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word automatically replaces strings in equations with the corresponding math AutoCorrect definitions.
Application.OMathAutoCorrect.ReplaceText = True
Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word uses math autocorrect rules outside equations in a document.
Application.OMathAutoCorrect.UseOutsideOMath = True