Class KeysBoundTo (Word VBA)
A collection of KeyBinding objects assigned to a command, style, macro, or other item in the current context. To use a KeysBoundTo class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example
Dim kbt as KeysBoundTo
Set kbt = Dim strCommand As String: strCommand =
KeysBoundTo(KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryAutoText, Command:=strCommand)
Returns a String that represents the command assigned to the specified key combination.
Dim kbLoop As KeyBinding
For Each kbLoop In KeyBindings
If kbLoop.KeyCategory = wdKeyCategoryFont Then
Count = Count + 1
MsgBox kbLoop.Command & vbCr & kbLoop.KeyString
End If
Next kbLoop
If Count = 0 Then MsgBox "Keys haven't been assigned to fonts"
Returns the command parameter assigned to the specified shortcut key.
For information about commands that take parameters, see the Add method. Use the Command property to return the command name assigned to the specified shortcut key.
Dim kbNew As KeyBinding
Set kbNew = KeyBindings.Add(KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryCommand, _
Command:="FontSize", _
KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyControl, wdKeyAlt, wdKeyS), _
MsgBox kbNew.Command & Chr$(32) & kbNew.CommandParameter _
& vbCr & kbNew.KeyString
Returns an Object that represents the storage location of the specified key binding.
This property can return a Document, Template, or Application object. Built-in key assignments (for example, CTRL+I for Italic) return the Application object as the context. Any key bindings you add will return a Document or Template object, depending on the customization context in effect when the KeyBinding object was added.
Sub TestContext1()
Dim kbMacro1 As KeysBoundTo
Set kbMacro1 = KeysBoundTo(KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryMacro, _
MsgBox kbMacro1.Context.Name
End Sub
Returns a Long that represents the number of keys in the collection.
Dim lngCount As Long
lngCount = KeysBoundTo.Count
Returns an individual KeyBinding object in a collection.
Item (Index)
Index: The individual object to be returned. Can be a Long indicating the ordinal position of the individual object.
Dim kbgKeysBoundTo As KeyBinding
Set kbgKeysBoundTo = KeysBoundTo(Index:=1)
Returns a KeyBinding object that represents the specified custom key combination.
If the key combination doesn't exist, this method returns Nothing. You can use the BuildKeyCode method to create the KeyCode or KeyCode2 argument.
Dim lngKeyCode As Long: lngKeyCode =
Dim kbgKey As KeyBinding
Set kbgKey = KeysBoundTo.Key(KeyCode:=lngKeyCode)
The following argument is required
KeyCode (Long) - A key you specify by using one of the WdKey constants.
Optional arguments
The following argument is optional
KeyCode2 (WdKey) - A second key you specify by using one of the WdKey constants.
Here you can find possible values for
Returns the type of item assigned to the specified key binding. Here you can find possible values for
Dim wkcKeyCategory As WdKeyCategory
wkcKeyCategory = KeysBoundTo.KeyCategory