Class EmailOptions (Word VBA)

Contains global application-level attributes used by Microsoft Word when you create and edit email messages and replies.

Class Application gives access to class EmailOptions.

Dim eos as EmailOptions
Set eos = Application.EmailOptions


AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders true if a series of three or more hyphens (-), equal signs (=), or underscore characters (_) are automatically replaced by a specific border line when the ENTER key is pressed.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists true if bullet characters (such as asterisks, hyphens, and greater-than signs) are replaced with bullets.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyClosings true for Microsoft Word to automatically apply the Closing style to letter closings as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyDates true for Microsoft Word to automatically apply the Date style to dates as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents true for Microsoft Word to automatically replace a space entered at the beginning of a paragraph with a first-line indent.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings true if styles are automatically applied to headings as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists true if paragraphs are automatically formatted as numbered lists.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables true if Word automatically creates a table when you type a plus sign, a series of hyphens, another plus sign, and so on, and then press ENTER.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard true for Microsoft Word to automatically start the Letter Wizard when the user enters a letter salutation or closing.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles true if Word automatically creates new styles based on manual formatting.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeDeleteAutoSpaces true for Microsoft Word to automatically delete spaces inserted between Japanese and Latin text as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning true if Word repeats character formatting applied to the beginning of a list item to the next list item.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings true for Microsoft Word to automatically insert the corresponding memo closing when the user enters a memo heading.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertOvers true for Microsoft Word to automatically insert "以上" when the user enters "記" or "案".

AutoFormatAsYouTypeMatchParentheses true for Microsoft Word to automatically correct improperly paired parentheses.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFarEastDashes true for Microsoft Word to automatically correct long vowel sounds and dashes.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions true if typed fractions are replaced with fractions from the current character set as you type; for example, "1/2" is replaced with "½.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks true if email addresses, server and share names (also known as UNC paths), and Internet addresses (also known as URLs) are automatically changed to hyperlinks as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals true if the ordinal number suffixes "st", "nd", "rd", and "th" are replaced with the same letters in superscript as you type; for example, "1st" is replaced with "1" followed by "st" formatted as superscript.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis true if manual emphasis characters are automatically replaced with character formatting as you type; for example, "bold" is changed to " bold ".

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes true if straight quotation marks are automatically changed to smart (curly) quotation marks as you type.

AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols true if two consecutive hyphens (--) are replaced with an en dash (-) or an em dash (—) as you type.

ComposeStyle returns a Style object that represents the style used to compose new email messages.

EmailSignature returns an EmailSignature object that represents the signatures Microsoft Word appends to outgoing email messages.

HTMLFidelity strips HTML tags used for opening HTML files in Word but not required for display.

MarkComments true if Microsoft Word marks the user's comments in email messages.

MarkCommentsWith returns or sets the string with which Microsoft Word marks comments in email messages.

NewColorOnReply true specifies whether a user needs to choose a new color for reply text when replying to email.

PlainTextStyle returns the Style object that represents the text attributes for email messages that are sent or received using plain text.

RelyOnCSS true if cascading style sheets (CSS) are used for font formatting when you view a saved document in a web browser.

ReplyStyle returns a Style object that represents the style used when replying to email messages.

TabIndentKey true if the TAB and BACKSPACE keys can be used to increase and decrease, respectively, the left indent of paragraphs and if the BACKSPACE key can be used to change right-aligned paragraphs to centered paragraphs and centered paragraphs to left-aligned paragraphs.

ThemeName returns or sets the name of the theme plus any theme formatting options to use for new email messages.

UseThemeStyle true if new email messages use the character style defined by the default email message theme.

UseThemeStyleOnReply true for Microsoft Word to use a theme when replying to email.

EmailSignature - Contains information about the email signatures used by Microsoft Word when you create and edit email messages and replies.

Style - Represents a single built-in or user-defined style. The Style object includes style attributes (such as font, font style, and paragraph spacing) as properties of the Style object. The Style object is a member of the Styles collection. The Styles collection includes all the styles in the specified document.