CanvasShapes.AddConnector (Word)

Returns a Shape object that represents a connecting line between two shapes in a drawing canvas.

AddConnector (Type, BeginX, BeginY, EndX, EndY)

Sub AddCanvasConnector() 
 Dim docNew As Document 
 Dim shpCanvas As Shape 
 Set docNew = Documents.Add 
 'Add drawing canvas to new document 
 Set shpCanvas = docNew.Shapes.AddCanvas( _ 
 Left:=150, Top:=150, Width:=200, Height:=300) 
 'Add connector to the drawing canvas 
 shpCanvas.CanvasItems.AddConnector _ 
 Type:=msoConnectorStraight, BeginX:=150, _ 
 BeginY:=150, EndX:=200, EndY:=200 
End Sub


The following arguments are required:

Type (Office.MsoConnectorType) - The type of connector.

BeginX (Single) - The horizontal position that marks the beginning of the connector.

BeginY (Single) - The vertical position that marks the beginning of the connector.

EndX (Single) - The horizontal position that marks the end of the connector.

EndY (Single) - The vertical position that marks the end of the connector.