Shapes.PasteSpecial (PowerPoint)

Pastes the contents of the Clipboard, using a special format.

Adds the shape to the collection of shapes in the specified format. If the specified data type is a text data type, a new text box is created with the text. If the paste succeeds, the PasteSpecial method returns a ShapeRange object representing the shape range that was pasted. The DataType parameter value can be one of these PpPasteDataType constants:

PasteSpecial (DataType, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, IconLabel, Link)

Dim srePasteSpecial As ShapeRange
Set srePasteSpecial = ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Shapes.PasteSpecial()


Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional

DataType (PpPasteDataType) - A format for the Clipboard contents when they're inserted into the document. The default value varies, depending on the contents in the Clipboard. An error occurs if the specified data type in the DataType argument is not supported by the clipboard contents.

Here you can find possible values for PpPasteDataType

DisplayAsIcon (Office.MsoTriState) - MsoTrue to display the embedded object (or link) as an icon.

IconFileName (String) - If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is the path and file name for the file in which the icon to be displayed is stored. If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, this argument is ignored.

IconIndex (Long) - If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is a number that corresponds to the icon you want to use in the program file specified by IconFilename. For example, 0 (zero) corresponds to the first icon, and 1 corresponds to the second icon. If this argument is omitted, the first (default) icon is used. If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, then this argument is ignored. If IconIndex is outside the valid range, then the default icon (index 0) is used.

IconLabel (String) - If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoTrue, this argument is the text that appears below the icon. If this label is missing, Microsoft PowerPoint generates an icon label based on the Clipboard contents. If DisplayAsIcon is set to msoFalse, then this argument is ignored.

Link (Office.MsoTriState) - Determines whether to create a link to the source file of the Clipboard contents. An error occurs if the Clipboard contents do not support a link.