Class Pane (PowerPoint VBA)

An object representing one of the three panes in normal view or the single pane of any other view in the document window. To use a Pane class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim pan as Pane
Set pan = ActiveWindow.ActivePane


Activates the specified object.



Returns whether the specified pane or window is active.

The value returned by the Active property can be one of these MsoTriState constants.

Dim mtsActive As Office.MsoTriState
mtsActive = ActiveWindow.ActivePane.Active


Returns the type of view for the specified pane. Here you can find possible values for PpViewType.

The value of the ViewType property can be one of these PpViewType constants.

Dim pvtViewType As PpViewType
pvtViewType = ActiveWindow.ActivePane.ViewType