Class UserProperty (Outlook VBA)

The class UserProperty represents a custom property of an Outlook item. To use a UserProperty class variable it first needs to be instantiated, for example

Dim upy as UserProperty
Set upy = Session.CreateSharingItem.Move.Items(1).UserProperties(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the UserProperty items in a collection.

Dim upy As UserProperty
For Each upy In Session.CreateSharingItem.Move.Items(1).UserProperties
Next upy


Returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class. Here you can find possible values for OlObjectClass.

Dim oocsClass As OlObjectClass
oocsClass = Session.CreateSharingItem.Move.Items(1).UserProperties(1).Class


Deletes an object from the collection.



Returns or sets a String representing the formula for the user property.

Sub TestFormula() 
 Dim tki As Outlook.TaskItem 
 Dim uprs As Outlook.UserProperties 
 Dim upr As Outlook.UserProperty 
 Set tki = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem) 
 tki.Subject = "Work hours - Test Formula" 
 ' TotalWork and ActualWork are in units of minutes 
 tki.TotalWork = 4 * 60 
 tki.ActualWork = 3 * 60 
 Set uprs = tki.UserProperties 
 Set upr = uprs.Add("Total&ActualWork", olFormula) 
 upr.Formula = "[Total Work] + [Actual Work]" 
 MsgBox "The Work Hours are: " & upr.Value / 60 
End Sub


Returns a String value that represents the display name for the object.

Dim strName As String
strName = Session.CreateSharingItem.Move.Items(1).UserProperties(1).Name


Returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

The Session property and the GetNamespace method can be used interchangeably to obtain the NameSpace object for the current session. Both members serve the same purpose. For example, the following statements do the same function:


Returns an OlUserPropertyType constant indicating the type of the specified object. Here you can find possible values for OlUserPropertyType.

Dim oupType As OlUserPropertyType
oupType = Session.CreateSharingItem.Move.Items(1).UserProperties(1).Type


Returns or sets a String indicating the validation formula for the user property.

The validation formula is used by Outlook to validate the Value property when an item is saved.

Sub TestValidation() 
 Dim tki As Outlook.TaskItem 
 Dim uprs As Outlook.UserProperties 
 Dim upr As Outlook.UserProperty 
 Set tki = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem) 
 tki.Subject = "Work hours" 
 tki.TotalWork = 3000 
 Set uprs = tki.UserProperties 
 Set upr = uprs.Add("TotalWork", olFormula) 
 upr.Formula = "[Total Work]" 
 upr.ValidationFormula = ">= 2400" 
 upr.ValidationText = """The WorkHours (Total Work) should be equal or greater than 5 days """ 
 MsgBox "The Work Hours are: " & upr.Value 
End Sub


Returns or sets a String specifying the validation text for the specified user property.

The validation text is the error message that a user receives when the Value does not meet the criteria specified in ValidationFormula.

Sub TestValidation() 
 Dim tki As Outlook.TaskItem 
 Dim uprs As Outlook.UserProperties 
 Dim upr As Outlook.UserProperty 
 Set tki = Application.CreateItem(olTaskItem) 
 tki.Subject = "Work hours" 
 ' TotalWork is stored in units of minutes 
 tki.TotalWork = 3000 
 Set uprs = tki.UserProperties 
 Set upr = uprs.Add("TotalWork", olFormula) 
 upr.Formula = "[Total Work]" 
 upr.ValidationFormula = ">= 2400" 
 upr.ValidationText = """The Work Hours (TotalWork) should be equal or greater than 5 days """ 
 MsgBox "The Work Hours are: " & upr.Value / 60 
End Sub


Returns or sets a Variant indicating the value for the specified custom property. Read/write.

To set for the first time a property created by the UserProperties.Add method, use the UserProperty.Value property instead of the SetProperties or SetProperty method of the PropertyAccessor object. For more information on accessing properties in Outlook, see Properties Overview.

Session.CreateSharingItem.Move.Items(1).UserProperties(1).Value =