SelectNamesDialog.NumberOfRecipientSelectors (Outlook)
Returns or sets a OlRecipientSelectors constant that determines the number of recipient edit boxes (each associated with a command button) displayed in the Select Names dialog box. Possible return values are olShowNone - No edit box will be displayed, olShowTo - Only an edit box for To recipients will be displayed, olShowToCc - Only edit boxes for To and Cc recipients will be displayed, olShowToCcBcc - Edit boxes for To, Cc, and Bcc recipients will be displayed.
A recipient edit box allows you to enter recipient names. Each recipient edit box is associated with a command button in the Select Names dialog box; examples of a command button for a recipient edit box are the To and Cc command buttons. The default value of NumberOfRecipientSelectors is OlRecipientSelectors.olToCcBcc. If you set NumberOfRecipientSelectors to OlRecipientSelectors.olShowTo and then subsequently set the text for SelectNamesDialog.CcLabel or SelectNamesDialog.BccLabel, the NumberOfRecipientSelectors will remain unchanged. If you set NumberOfRecipientSelectors to OlRecipientSelectors.olShowNone, then the SelectNamesDialog.AllowMultipleSelection property will be ignored.
Session.GetSelectNamesDialog.NumberOfRecipientSelectors = olShowNone