Class Recipient (Outlook VBA)

The class Recipient represents a user or resource in Outlook, generally a mail or mobile message addressee.

The classes Account, DistListItem and NameSpace. give access to class Recipient

Dim rcp as Recipient
Set rcp = Session.CurrentUser

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Recipient items in a collection.

Dim rcp As Recipient
For Each rcp In Recipients
Next rcp


Delete - Deletes an object from the collection.

FreeBusy - Returns free/busy information for the recipient.

Resolve - Attempts to resolve a Recipient object against the Address Book.


Address returns a String representing the email address of the Recipient.

AddressEntry returns the AddressEntry object corresponding to the resolved recipient.

AutoResponse returns or sets a String representing the text of an automatic response for a Recipient.

Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.

DisplayType returns a constant belonging to the OlDisplayType enumeration that describes the nature of the Recipient.

EntryID returns a String representing the unique Entry ID of the object.

Index returns a Long indicating the position of the object within the collection.

MeetingResponseStatus returns an OlResponseStatus constant indicating the overall status of the response to the meeting request for the recipient.

Name returns a String value that represents the display name for the object.

PropertyAccessor returns a PropertyAccessor object that supports creating, getting, setting, and deleting properties of the parent Recipient object.

Resolved returns a Boolean that indicates True if the recipient has been validated against the Address Book.

Sendable returns or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether a meeting request can be sent to the Recipient. Read/write

Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.

TrackingStatus returns or sets an OlTrackingStatus constant indicating the tracking status for the recipient.

TrackingStatusTime returns or sets a Date indicating the tracking status date and time for the recipient.

Type returns or sets a Long representing the type of recipient.

AddressEntry - Represents a person, group, or public folder to which the messaging system can deliver messages.

NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.

PropertyAccessor - Provides the ability to create, get, set, and delete properties on objects.