Items.Sort (Outlook)
Sorts the collection of items by the specified property. The index for the collection is reset to 1 upon completion of this method.
Sort only affects the order of items in a collection. It does not affect the order of items in an explorer view. Sort cannot be used and will cause an error if the Property paramater is one of the following properties:
Sort (Property, Descending)
Sub SortByDueDate()
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myItem As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks)
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
myItems.Sort "[DueDate]", False
For Each myItem In myItems
MsgBox myItem.Subject & "-- " & myItem.DueDate
Next myItem
End Sub
The following argument is required
Property (String) - The name of the property by which to sort, which may be enclosed in brackets, for example, "[CompanyName]". User-defined properties that contain spaces must be enclosed in brackets. May not be a user-defined property of type keywords, and may not be a multi-valued property, such as a category. For user-defined properties, the property must exist in the UserDefinedProperties collection for Items.Parent, which represents the Folder object that contains the items.
Optional arguments
The following argument is optional
Descending (Boolean) - True to sort in descending order. The default value is False (ascending).