Class FormRegion (Outlook VBA)
The class FormRegion represents a form region in an Outlook form.
Reflow - Causes Outlook to recalculate the height of an adjoining form region to display all the visible controls in the form region.
Select - Makes the form region the active form region such that it becomes visible.
SetControlItemProperty - Binds an explicit built-in property or a custom property to a control in the form region.
Class returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class.
Detail returns or sets a String representing the text displayed at runtime in the header after the display name of an adjoining form region.
DisplayName returns a String representing the display name of the form region.
EnableAutoLayout returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether to use the automatic layout resizing feature when designing form regions in the forms designer. Read/write
Form returns an Object representing the MSForms.UserForm object.
FormRegionMode returns an OlFormRegionMode constant that indicates whether the form region is in a read page, compose page, or Reading Pane.
Inspector returns an Inspector object representing the Inspector that hosts the form region.
InternalName returns a String that represents the internal programmatic name of the form region as defined in the manifest for the form region.
IsExpanded returns a Boolean that indicates if the form region is expanded.
Item returns an Object corresponding to the Outlook item bound to the form region.
Language returns a Long that indicates the LCID for the current language.
Session returns the NameSpace object for the current session.
SuppressControlReplacement returns or sets a Boolean that disables Outlook from automatically replacing a Forms 2.0 control by a themed Outlook control at design time and runtime.
Visible returns or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the form region is visible or hidden.
Related Classes
Inspector - Represents the window in which an Outlook item is displayed.
NameSpace - Represents an abstract root object for any data source.