CalendarView.DayWeekTimeScale (Outlook)

Returns or sets an OlDayWeekTimeScale constant that represents the scale used to represent time periods in a CalendarView object. Possible return values are olTimeScale10Minutes - Indicates that each time period represents 10 minutes, olTimeScale15Minutes - Indicates that each time period represents 15 minutes, olTimeScale30Minutes - Indicates that each time period represents 30 minutes, olTimeScale5Minutes - Indicates that each time period represents 5 minutes, olTimeScale60Minutes - Indicates that each time period represents 60 minutes, olTimeScale6Minutes - Indicates that each time period represents 6 minutes.

Sub CreateTwoWeekView() 
 Dim objNamespace As NameSpace 
 Dim objFolder As Folder 
 Dim objView As CalendarView 
 ' Obtain Folder object reference to the Calendar default folder. 
 Set objNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
 Set objFolder = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar) 
 ' Create a new CalendarView object named "Two Weeks". 
 Set objView = objFolder.Views.Add("Two Weeks", _ 
 olCalendarView, _ 
 ' Configure the new CalendarView object. 
 With objView 
 ' Display the view in multi-day mode. 
 .CalendarViewMode = olCalendarViewMultiDay 
 ' Display 14 consecutive days in multi-day 
 ' mode. 
 .DaysInMultiDayMode = 14 
 ' Set the time scale for the view in one-hour 
 ' intervals. 
 .DayWeekTimeScale = olTimeScale60Minutes 
 ' Save and apply the new CalendarView object. 
 End With 
End Sub