Account.AutoDiscoverConnectionMode (Outlook)

Returns an OlAutoDiscoverConnectionMode constant that specifies the type of connection to use for the auto-discovery service of the Microsoft Exchange server that hosts the account mailbox. Possible return values are olAutoDiscoverConnectionExternal - Connection is over the Internet, olAutoDiscoverConnectionInternal - Connection is over the Intranet, olAutoDiscoverConnectionInternalDomain - Connection is in the same domain over the Intranet, olAutoDiscoverConnectionUnknown - Other or unknown connection, or no connection.

This property is similar to the AutoDiscoverConnectionMode property of the NameSpace object, except that this property applies to the account for which auto-discovery is completed and not necessarily to the primary Exchange account.

Dim oadAutoDiscoverConnectionMode As OlAutoDiscoverConnectionMode
oadAutoDiscoverConnectionMode = Session.Accounts(1).AutoDiscoverConnectionMode