Customize the Code VBA toolbar
Different users have different preferences regarding the Code VBA toolbar: large or small, use menus or icons, shortcut key to use for different language versions of VDE.

You can customize the toolbar using the Toolbar Configuration dialog (screenshot below) which can be started from the the Preferences submenu.
Toolbar size
Small toolbar
Some want it to be small to have only one key giving Access to all features through the submenu (Alt-C). Others want the toolbar to give access main. If this is the case, change all the menu items Display property to 'Hide'.
Intermediate size toolbar
Initially the toolbar is displayed with only the VBA and Excel or Access menus for quick access.
Fast keyboard access
If you want maximum fast menu access using the keyboard, change all the menu items Display property to 'Menu'.
Mouse users
If you want maximum fast menu access using the mouse, and you like icons for fast recognition, change all the menu items Display property to 'Icon'.

Non-english language VBE
To prevent conflicts with key access the software automatically adapts the shortcut key for the languages German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French and Dutch.
For other languages you can adapt the caption and the appropriate shortcut key (&) in the Caption property in the Toolbar Configuration dialog.