XMLNode.FirstChild (Word)

Renvoie un objet DiagramNode qui représente le premier nœud enfant d’un nœud parent.

Utilisez la propriété LastChild pour accéder au dernier nœud enfant.

Sub FirstChild() 
 Dim shpDiagram As Shape 
 Dim dgnRoot As DiagramNode 
 Dim dgnFirstChild As DiagramNode 
 Dim dgnLastChild As DiagramNode 
 Dim intCount As Integer 
 'Add organizational chart diagram to the current document 
 Set shpDiagram = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddDiagram _ 
 (Type:=msoDiagramOrgChart, Left:=10, _ 
 Top:=15, Width:=400, Height:=475) 
 'Add the first node to the diagram 
 Set dgnRoot = shpDiagram.DiagramNode.Children.AddNode 
 'Add three child nodes 
 For intCount = 1 To 3 
 Next intCount 
 'Assign the first and last child nodes to variables 
 Set dgnFirstChild = dgnRoot.Children.FirstChild 
 Set dgnLastChild = dgnRoot.Children.LastChild 
End Sub