WorksheetFunction.GammaLn_Precise (Excel)

Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, Γ(x).

If x is nonnumeric, the GammaLn_Precise method generates an error. If x ≤ 0, the GammaLn_Precise method generates an error. The number e raised to the GAMMALN(i) power, where i is an integer, returns the same result as (i - 1)!. GammaLn is calculated as follows:

GammaLn_Precise (Arg1)

Arg1: X - the value for which you want to calculate GammaLn.

Dim dblArg1 As Double: dblArg1 = 
Dim dblGammaLn_Precise As Double
dblGammaLn_Precise = WorksheetFunction.GammaLn_Precise(Arg1:=dblArg1)