Range.Item (Excel)

Returns a Range object that represents a range at an offset to the specified range.

If expression is not a range containing a collection of single cells, e.g. because is has been obtained via the Columns member, providing the second argument is illegal and will result in an error 1004. The default member of Range forwards calls with parameters to the Item member. Thus, someRange(1) and someRange(1,1) are equivalent to someRange.Item(1) and someRange.Item(1,1), respectively. The RowIndex and ColumnIndex arguments are relative 1-based offsets to the top-left cell of the first area of the range as returned by the Areas member, i.e. for the range Union(someSheet.Range("Z4:AA6"), someSheet.Range("A1:C3")), Item(1,1) will return the range with address $Z$4. The ColumnIndex can be provided either as a numeric index or as a column address string as in A1-notation, i.e. "A" refers to the numeric index 1 and "AA" to 27. It is possible to reference cells outside the original range using the Item property by providing appropriate arguments, e.g. Item(3,3) will return the cell at "D4" for the range someSheet.Range("B2:C3"). The range returned when providing only one parameter depends on the nature of the range:

Item (RowIndex, ColumnIndex)

ActiveCell(RowIndex:=1) =


The following argument is required

RowIndex - If the second argument is provided, the relative row number of the cell to return. If the second argument is not provided, the index of the subrange to return

Optional arguments

The following argument is optional

ColumnIndex (Long) - The relative column number of the cell to return.