PivotField.AllItemsVisible (Excel)

Used to retrieve a Boolean value that indicates whether any manual filtering is applied to the PivotField.

This property provides a simple way to easily check whether manual filtering is applied to a PivotField or CubeField. For OLAP PivotTables, this property is available only for the CubeField object. Trying to get or set it on the PivotField object in OLAP PivotTables will return a run-time error. For PivotTables, this property is available for the PivotField object. The default value is True. This property is automatically set to True when no manual filtering is applied (independent of whether the IncludeNewItemsInFilter property is True or False). It is automatically set to False when any manual filtering is applied (independent of whether the IncludeNewItemsInFilter property is True or False). This property directly reflects the state of the Select All check box in the filter drop-down list for the PivotField or CubeField.

Dim booAllItemsVisible As Boolean
booAllItemsVisible = ActiveCell.PivotField.AllItemsVisible