Class PictureFormat (Excel VBA)

Contains properties and methods that apply to pictures and OLE objects.

The classes ChartFormat and Shape. give access to class PictureFormat


IncrementBrightness - Changes the brightness of the picture by the specified amount. Use the Brightness property to set the absolute brightness of the picture.

IncrementContrast - Changes the contrast of the picture by the specified amount. Use the Contrast property to set the absolute contrast for the picture.


Brightness returns or sets the brightness of the specified picture or OLE object. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (dimmest) to 1.0 (brightest).

ColorType returns or sets the type of color transformation applied to the specified picture or OLE object.

Contrast returns or sets the contrast for the specified picture or OLE object. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (the least contrast) to 1.0 (the greatest contrast).

Crop returns a Crop object that represents the cropping settings for the specified PictureFormat object.

CropBottom returns or sets the number of points that are cropped off the bottom of the specified picture or OLE object.

CropLeft returns or sets the number of points that are cropped off the left side of the specified picture or OLE object.

CropRight returns or sets the number of points that are cropped off the right side of the specified picture or OLE object.

CropTop returns or sets the number of points that are cropped off the top of the specified picture or OLE object.

TransparencyColor returns or sets the transparent color for the specified picture as a red-green-blue (RGB) value. For this property to take effect, the TransparentBackground property must be set to True. Applies to bitmaps only.

TransparentBackground use the TransparencyColor property to set the transparent color. Applies to bitmaps only.