Class Phonetics (Excel VBA)

A collection of all the Phonetic objects in the specified range.

Class Range gives access to class Phonetics.

Dim phns as Phonetics
Set phns = ActiveCell.Phonetics

For Each

Here is an example of processing the Phonetics items in a collection.

Dim phn As Phonetic
For Each phn In Application.Phonetics
Next phn


Add - Adds phonetic text to the specified cell.

Delete - Deletes the object.


Item (Default member) - Returns a single object from a collection.

Alignment returns or sets a Long value that represents the alignment for the specified phonetic text or tick label.

CharacterType returns or sets the type of phonetic text in the specified cell.

Count returns a Long value that represents the number of objects in the collection.

Font returns a Font object that represents the font of the specified object.

Length returns a Long value that represents the number of characters of phonetic text from the position you've specified with the Start property.

Start returns the position that represents the first character of a phonetic text string in the specified cell.

Text returns or sets the text for the specified object.

Visible returns or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the object is visible.