Class DisplayFormat (Excel VBA)

The class DisplayFormat represents the display settings for an associated Range object. Read-only.

Class Range gives access to class DisplayFormat.

Dim dft as DisplayFormat
Set dft = ActiveCell.DisplayFormat


AddIndent returns a value that indicates if Microsoft Excel automatically indents text of the associated Range range when the text alignment in a cell is set to equal distribution (either horizontally or vertically), as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

Borders returns a Borders object that represents the borders of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.

Characters returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.

Font returns a Font object that represents the font of the associated Range as it is displayed in the current user interface.

FormulaHidden returns a value that indicates if the formula of the associated Range range is hidden when the worksheet is protected as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

HorizontalAlignment returns a value that represents the horizontal alignment of the associated Range range as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

IndentLevel returns a value that represents the indent level of the associated Range range as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

Interior returns an Interior object that represents the interior of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.

Locked returns a value that indicates if the associated Range boolean is locked as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

MergeCells returns a value that indicates if the associated Range range contains merged cells as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

NumberFormat returns a value that represents the format code of the associated Range range as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

NumberFormatLocal returns a value that represents the format code of the associated Range range as a string in the language of the user as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

Orientation returns a value that represents the text orientation of the associated Range range as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

ReadingOrder returns the reading order of the associated Range object as it is displayed in the current user interface.

ShrinkToFit returns a value that indicates if Microsoft Excel automatically shrinks text to fit in the available column width of the associated Range range as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

Style returns a value, containing a Style style, that represents the style of the associated Range style as it is displayed in the current user interface.

VerticalAlignment returns a value that represents the vertical alignment of the associated Range range as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

WrapText returns a value that indicates if Microsoft Excel wraps the text of the associated Range string as it is displayed in the current user interface. Read-only.

Borders - A collection of four Border objects that represent the four borders of a Range object or Style object.

Characters - Represents characters in an object that contains text.

Font - Contains the font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object.

Interior - Represents the interior of an object.

Range - Represents a cell, a row, a column, a selection of cells containing one or more contiguous blocks of cells, or a 3D range.

Style - Represents a style description for a range.