Class ChartGroup (Excel VBA)

The class ChartGroup represents one or more series plotted in a chart with the same format.

Dim chrg as ChartGroup
Set chrg = ActiveChart.ChartGroups(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the ChartGroup items in a collection.

Dim chrg As ChartGroup
For Each chrg In ActiveChart.ChartGroups()
Next chrg


CategoryCollection - Returns an categorycollection that represents a collection of all the visible categories (a CategoryCollection collection) in the chart group.

FullCategoryCollection - Returns an categorycollection that represents a collection of all the visible and filtered categories (a CategoryCollection collection) in the chart group.

SeriesCollection - Returns an seriescollection that represents either a single series (a Series collection) or a collection of all the series (a SeriesCollection collection) in the chart or chart group.


AxisGroup returns or sets the group for the specified chart.

BinsCountValue specifies the number of bins in the histogram chart.

BinsOverflowEnabled specifies whether a bin for values above the BinsOverflowValue property is enabled.

BinsOverflowValue if a BinsOverflowEnabled property is True, specifies the value above which an overflow bin is displayed.

BinsType specifies how the horizontal axis of the histogram chart is formatted, by bins type.

BinsUnderflowEnabled specifies whether a bin for values below the BinsUnderflowValue property is enabled.

BinsUnderflowValue if a BinsUnderflowEnabled property is True, specifies the value below which an underflow bin is displayed.

BinWidthValue specifies the number of points in each range.

BubbleScale returns or sets the scale factor for bubbles in the specified chart group. Can be an integer value from 0 (zero) to 300, corresponding to a percentage of the default size. Applies only to bubble charts.

DoughnutHoleSize returns or sets the size of the hole in a doughnut chart group. The hole size is expressed as a percentage of the chart size, between 10 and 90 percent.

DownBars returns a DownBars object that represents the down bars on a line chart. Applies only to line charts.

DropLines returns a DropLines object that represents the drop lines for a series on a line chart or area chart. Applies only to line charts or area charts.

FirstSliceAngle returns or sets the angle of the first pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice, in degrees (clockwise from vertical). Applies only to pie, 3D pie, and doughnut charts. Can be a value from 0 through 360.

GapWidth bar and Column charts: Returns or sets the space between bar or column clusters, as a percentage of the bar or column width.

Has3DShading returns or sets the 3D shading property of a ChartGroup object.

HasDropLines true if the line chart or area chart has drop lines. Applies only to line and area charts.

HasHiLoLines true if the line chart has high-low lines. Applies only to line charts.

HasRadarAxisLabels true if a radar chart has axis labels. Applies only to radar charts.

HasSeriesLines true if a stacked column chart or bar chart has series lines, or if a Pie of Pie chart or Bar of Pie chart has connector lines between the two sections. Applies only to 2D stacked bar, 2D stacked column, Pie of Pie, or Bar of Pie charts.

HasUpDownBars true if a line chart has up and down bars. Applies only to line charts.

HiLoLines returns a HiLoLines object that represents the high-low lines for a series on a line chart. Applies only to line charts.

Index returns a Long value that represents the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects.

Overlap specifies how bars and columns are positioned. Can be a value between -100 and 100. Applies only to 2D bar and 2D column charts.

RadarAxisLabels returns a TickLabels object that represents the radar axis labels for the specified chart group.

SecondPlotSize returns or sets the size of the secondary section of either a Pie of Pie chart or a Bar of Pie chart, as a percentage of the size of the primary pie. Can be a value from 5 to 200.

SeriesLines returns a SeriesLines object that represents the series lines for a 2D stacked bar, 2D stacked column, Pie of Pie, or Bar of Pie chart.

ShowNegativeBubbles true if negative bubbles are shown for the chart group. Valid only for bubble charts.

SizeRepresents returns or sets what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart. Can be either of the following XlSizeRepresents constants: xlSizeIsArea or xlSizeIsWidth.

SplitType returns or sets the way the two sections of either a Pie of Pie chart or a Bar of Pie chart are split.

SplitValue returns or sets the threshold value separating the two sections of either a Pie of Pie chart or a Bar of Pie chart.

UpBars returns an UpBars object that represents the up bars on a line chart. Applies only to line charts.

VaryByCategories true if Microsoft Excel assigns a different color or pattern to each data marker. The chart must contain only one series.

CategoryCollection - Represents the collection of visible chart categories in the chart.

DownBars - Represents the down bars in a chart group.

DropLines - Represents the drop lines in a chart group.

HiLoLines - Represents the high-low lines in a chart group.

SeriesCollection - A collection of all the Series objects in the specified chart or chart group.

SeriesLines - Represents series lines in a chart group.

TickLabels - Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis.

UpBars - Represents the up bars in a chart group.