Class FormatCondition (Excel VBA)

The class FormatCondition represents a conditional format.

Dim fcd as FormatCondition
Set fcd = ActiveCell.FormatConditions(Index:=1)

For Each

Here is an example of processing the FormatCondition items in a collection.

Dim fcd As FormatCondition
For Each fcd In ActiveCell.FormatConditions
Next fcd


Delete - Deletes the object.

Modify - Modifies an existing conditional format.

ModifyAppliesToRange - Sets the cell range to which this formatting rule applies.

SetFirstPriority - Sets the priority value for this conditional formatting rule to 1 so that it will be evaluated before all other rules on the worksheet.

SetLastPriority - Sets the evaluation order for this conditional formatting rule so that it is evaluated after all other rules on the worksheet.


AppliesTo returns a Range object specifying the cell range to which the formatting rule is applied.

Borders returns a Borders collection that represents the borders of a style or a range of cells (including a range defined as part of a conditional format).

DateOperator specifies the Date operator used in the format condition.

Font returns a Font object that represents the font of the specified object.

Formula1 returns the value or expression associated with the conditional format or data validation. Can be a constant value, a string value, a cell reference, or a formula.

Formula2 returns the value or expression associated with the second part of a conditional format or data validation. Used only when the data validation conditional format Operator property is xlBetween or xlNotBetween. Can be a constant value, a string value, a cell reference, or a formula.

Interior returns an Interior object that represents the interior of the specified object.

NumberFormat returns or sets the number format applied to a cell if the conditional formatting rule evaluates to True.

Operator returns a Long value that represents the operator for the conditional format.

Priority returns or sets the priority value of the conditional formatting rule. The priority determines the order of evaluation when multiple conditional formatting rules exist on a worksheet.

PTCondition returns a Boolean value indicating if the conditional format is being applied to a PivotTable.

ScopeType returns or sets one of the constants of the XlPivotConditionScope enumeration, which determines the scope of the conditional format when it is applied to a PivotTable.

StopIfTrue returns or sets a Boolean value that determines if additional formatting rules on the cell should be evaluated if the current rule evaluates to True.

Text returns or sets a String value specifying the text string used by the conditional formatting rule.

TextOperator returns or sets one of the constants of the XlContainsOperator enumeration, specifying the text search performed by the conditional formatting rule.

Type returns a Long value, containing an XlFormatConditionType value, that represents the object type.

Borders - A collection of four Border objects that represent the four borders of a Range object or Style object.

Font - Contains the font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object.

Interior - Represents the interior of an object.

Range - Represents a cell, a row, a column, a selection of cells containing one or more contiguous blocks of cells, or a 3D range.