Class Field (DAO VBA)

A Field object represents a column of data with a common data type and a common set of properties.

The classes Index, Relation and TableDef. give access to class Field

Dim fld as Field
Set fld = Workspaces(1).Databases(1).QueryDefs(1).Fields(Item:=1)


AppendChunk - Appends data from a string expression to a Memo or Long Binary Field object in a Recordset.

CreateProperty - Creates a new user-defined Property object (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

GetChunk - Returns all or a portion of the contents of a Memo or Long Binary Field object in the Fields collection of a Recordset object.


Value (Default member) - Sets or returns the value of an variant. Read/write Variant.

AllowZeroLength sets or returns a value that indicates whether a zero-length string ("") is a valid setting for the Value property of the Field object with a Text or Memo data type (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

Attributes sets or returns a value that indicates one or more characteristics of a Field object.

CollatingOrder returns a value that specifies the sequence of the sort order in text for string comparison or sorting (Microsoft Access workspaces only).


DataUpdatable returns a value that indicates whether the data in the field represented by a Field object is updatable.

DefaultValue sets or returns the default value of a Field variant. For a Field variant not yet appended to the Fields collection, this property is read/write (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

FieldSize returns the number of bytes used in the database (rather than in memory) of a Memo or Long Binary Field object in the Fields collection of a Recordset object.

ForeignName sets or returns a value that specifies the name of the Field object in a foreign table that corresponds to a field in a primary table for a relationship (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

Name returns or sets the name of the specified object. Read/write String if the object has not been appended to a collection.

OrdinalPosition sets or returns the relative position of a Field object within a Fields collection.

OriginalValue expression .OriginalValue

Properties returns the Properties collection of the specified object.

Required sets or returns a value that indicates whether a Field object requires a non-Null value.

Size sets or returns a value that indicates the maximum size, in bytes, of a Field object.

SourceField returns a value that indicates the name of the field that is the original source of the data for a Field object.

SourceTable returns a value that indicates the name of the table that is the original source of the data for a Field object.

Type sets or returns a value that indicates the operational type or data type of an object.

ValidateOnSet sets or returns a value that specifies whether or not the value of a Field object is immediately validated when the object's Value property is set (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

ValidationRule sets or returns a value that validates the data in a field as it's changed or added to a table (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

ValidationText sets or returns a value that specifies the text of the message that your application displays if the value of a Field object doesn't satisfy the validation rule specified by the ValidationRule property setting (Microsoft Access workspaces only).

VisibleValue expression .VisibleValue

Properties - A Properties collection contains all the Property objects for a specific instance of an object.

Property - A Property object represents a built-in or user-defined characteristic of a DAO object.