Class TabControl (Access VBA)
A tab control contains multiple pages on which you can place other controls, such as text boxes or option buttons. When a user chooses the corresponding tab, that page becomes active.
Move - Moves the specified object to the coordinates specified by the argument values.
SizeToFit - You can use the SizeToFit method to size a control so that it fits the text or image that it contains.
Value (Default member) - Determines or specifies the selected Page variant. Read/write Variant.
BackColor gets or sets the interior color of the specified object.
BackShade gets or sets the shade applied to the theme color in the BackColor property of the specified object.
BackStyle you can use the BackStyle property to specify whether a control will be transparent.
BackThemeColorIndex gets or sets a value that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the BackColor property of the specified object.
BackTint gets or sets the tint that is applied to the theme color in the BackColor property of the specified object.
BorderColor you can use the BorderColor property to specify the color of a control's border.
BorderShade gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the BorderColor property of the specified object.
BorderStyle specifies how a control's border appears.
BorderThemeColorIndex gets or sets a value that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the BorderColor property of the specified object.
BorderTint gets or sets the tint that is applied to the theme color in the BorderColor property of the specified object.
BottomPadding gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the control and its bottom gridline.
ControlType you can use the ControlType property in Visual Basic to determine the type of control on a form or report.
DisplayWhen you can use the DisplayWhen property to specify which of a form's controls you want displayed on screen and in print.
Enabled you can use the Enabled property to set or return the status of the conditional format in the FormatCondition object.
EventProcPrefix gets or sets the prefix portion of an event procedure name.
FontBold you can use the FontBold property to specify whether a font appears in a bold style in the following situations:.
FontItalic you can use the FontItalic property to specify whether text is italic in the following situations:.
FontName you can use the FontName property to specify the font for text in the following situations:.
FontSize you can use the FontSize property to specify the point size for text in the following situations:.
FontUnderline you can use the FontUnderline property to specify whether text is underlined in the following situations:.
FontWeight use the FontWeight property to specify the line width that Windows uses to display and print characters in a control.
ForeColor you can use the ForeColor property to specify the color for text in a control.
ForeShade gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the ForeColor property of the specified object.
ForeThemeColorIndex gets or sets a value that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the ForeColor property of the specified object.
ForeTint gets or sets the tint that is applied to the theme color in the ForeColor property of the specified object.
Gradient gets or sets the gradient fill applied to the specified object.
GridlineColor gets or sets the color of the gridline for the specified control.
GridlineShade gets or sets the shade applied to the theme color in the GridlineColor property of the specified object.
GridlineStyleBottom gets or sets the bottom gridline style of the specified control.
GridlineStyleLeft gets or sets the left gridline style of the specified control.
GridlineStyleRight gets or sets the right gridline style of the specified control.
GridlineStyleTop gets or sets the top gridline style of the specified control.
GridlineThemeColorIndex gets or sets the theme color index that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the GridlineColor property of the specified object.
GridlineTint gets or sets the tint applied to the theme color in the GridlineColor property of the specified object.
GridlineWidthBottom gets or sets the width of the bottom gridline for the specified control.
GridlineWidthLeft gets or sets the width of the left gridline for the specified control.
GridlineWidthRight gets or sets the width of the right gridline for the specified control.
GridlineWidthTop gets or sets the width of the top gridline for the specified control.
Height gets or sets the height of the specified object in twips.
HelpContextId the HelpContextID property specifies the context ID of a topic in the custom Help file specified by the HelpFile property setting.
HorizontalAnchor gets or sets an AcHorizontalAnchor constant that indicates how the tab control is anchored horizontally within its layout.
HoverColor gets or sets the color displayed on the control when the user rests the mouse cursor over it.
HoverForeColor gets or sets the color of the text displayed on the control when the user rests the mouse cursor over it.
HoverForeShade gets or sets the shade applied to the theme color in the HoverForeColor property of the specified object.
HoverForeThemeColorIndex gets or sets the theme color index that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the HoverForeColor property of the specified object.
HoverForeTint gets or sets the tint applied to the theme color in the HoverForeColor property of the specified object.
HoverShade gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the HoverColor property of the specified object.
HoverThemeColorIndex gets or sets the theme color index that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the HoverColor property of the specified object.
HoverTint gets or sets the tint applied to the theme color in the HoverColor property of the specified object.
InSelection you can use the InSelection property to determine or specify whether a control on a form in Design view is selected.
IsVisible you can use the IsVisible property to determine whether a control on a report is visible.
Layout returns the type of layout for the specified control.
LayoutID returns the unique identifier for the layout that contains the specified control.
Left you can use the Left property to specify an object's location on a form or report.
LeftPadding gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the control and its left gridline.
MultiRow you can use the MultiRow property to specify or determine whether a tab control can display more than one row of tabs.
Name you can use the Name property to specify or determine the string expression that identifies the name of an object.
OldValue you can use the OldValue property to determine the unedited value of a bound control.
OnChange sets or returns the value of the On Change box in the Properties window of one of the objects in the Applies To list.
OnClick sets or returns the value of the On Click box in the Properties window.
OnDblClick sets or returns the value of the On Dbl Click box in the Properties window.
OnKeyDown sets or returns the value of the On Key Down box in the Properties window.
OnKeyPress sets or returns the value of the On Key Press box in the Properties window.
OnKeyUp sets or returns the value of the On Key Up box in the Properties window.
OnMouseDown sets or returns the value of the On Mouse Down box in the Properties window.
OnMouseMove sets or returns the value of the On Mouse Move box in the Properties window.
OnMouseUp sets or returns the value of the On Mouse Up box in the Properties window.
Pages returns a Pages collection that represents the pages in the specified TabControl object.
PressedColor gets or sets the color displayed on the control when the user chooses it.
PressedForeColor gets or sets the color of the text displayed on the control when the user chooses it.
PressedForeShade gets or sets the shade applied to the theme color in the PressedForeColor property of the specified object.
PressedForeThemeColorIndex gets or sets the theme color index that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the PressedForeColor property of the specified object.
PressedForeTint gets or sets the tint applied to the theme color in the PressedForeColor property of the specified object.
PressedShade gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the PressedColor property of the specified object.
PressedThemeColorIndex gets or sets the theme color index that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the PressedColor property of the specified object.
PressedTint gets or sets the tint applied to the theme color in the PressedColor property of the specified object.
Properties returns a reference to a control's Properties collection object.
RightPadding gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the control and its right gridline.
Section you can identify these controls by the section of a form or report where the control appears.
Shape returns or sets the shape of the specified tab control.
ShortcutMenuBar you can use the ShortcutMenuBar property to specify the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click the specified object.
StatusBarText you can use the StatusBarText property to specify the text that is displayed in the status bar when a control is selected.
Style you can use the Style property to specify or determine the appearance of tabs on a tab control.
TabFixedHeight you can use the TabFixedHeight property to specify or determine the height of the tabs on a tab control.
TabFixedWidth you can use the TabFixedWidth property to specify or determine the width of the tabs on a tab control.
TabIndex you can use the TabIndex property to specify a control's place in the tab order on a form or report.
TabStop you can use the TabStop property to specify whether you can use the Tab key to move the focus to a control.
Tag stores extra information about a form, report, section, or control needed by a Microsoft Access application.
ThemeFontIndex gets or sets the font index that represents a font in the applied theme associated with the FontName property of the specified object.
Top you can use the Top property to specify an object's location on a form or report.
TopPadding gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the control and its top gridline.
UseTheme gets or sets whether the specified object will utilize formatting styles defined in Office Document Themes.
VerticalAnchor gets or sets an AcVerticalAnchor constant that indicates how the specified tab control is anchored vertically within its layout.
Visible returns or sets whether the object is visible.
Width gets or sets the width of the specified object in twips.
Related Classes
Pages - The Pages collection contains all Page objects in a tab control.
Properties - The Properties collection contains all the built-in properties in an instance of an open form, report, or control. These properties uniquely characterize that instance of the object.