Class Printer (Access VBA)
A Printer object corresponds to a printer available on your system.
BottomMargin along with the TopMargin, RightMargin, and LeftMargin properties, specifies the margins for a printed page.
ColorMode returns or sets an AcPrintColor constant representing whether the specified printer should print output in color or monochrome.
ColumnSpacing returns or sets a Long representing the vertical space between detail sections in twips.
Copies returns or sets a Long indicating the number of copies to be printed.
DataOnly true if Microsoft Access prints only the data from a table or query in Datasheet view and not the labels, control borders, gridlines, and display graphics.
DefaultSize true if the size of the detail section in Design view is used for printing; otherwise, the values of the ItemSizeHeight and ItemSizeWidth properties are used.
DeviceName returns a String indicating the name of the specified printer device.
DriverName returns a String indicating the name of the driver used by the specified printer.
Duplex returns or sets an AcPrintDuplex constant indicating how the specified printer handles duplex printing.
ItemLayout returns or sets an AcPrintItemLayout constant indicating whether the printer lays columns across, then down, or down, then across.
ItemsAcross returns or sets a Long indicating the number of columns to print across a page for multiple-column reports or labels.
ItemSizeHeight returns or sets a Long indicating the height of the detail section of a form or report in twips.
ItemSizeWidth returns or sets a Long indicating the width of the detail section of a form or report in twips.
LeftMargin along with the TopMargin, RightMargin, and BottomMargin properties, specifies the margins for a printed page.
Orientation gets or sets an AcPrintOrientation constant that represents the print orientation.
PaperBin returns or sets an AcPrintPaperBin constant indicating which paper bin the specified printer should use.
PaperSize returns or sets an AcPrintPaperSize constant indicating the paper size to use when printing.
Port returns a String indicating the port name of the specified printer.
PrintQuality returns or sets an AcPrintObjQuality constant indicating the resolution at which the specified printer should print jobs.
RightMargin along with the TopMargin, LeftMargin, and BottomMargin properties, specifies the margins for a printed page.
RowSpacing returns or sets a Long indicating the horizontal space between detail sections in twips.
TopMargin along with the LeftMargin, RightMargin, and BottomMargin properties, specifies the margins for a printed page.