Range.DataSeries (Excel)

Creates a data series in the specified range.

DataSeries (Rowcol, Type, Date, Step, Stop, Trend)

Set dateRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A12") 
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "31-JAN-1996" 
dateRange.DataSeries Type:=xlChronological, Date:=xlMonth


Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional

Rowcol (XlRowCol) - Can be the xlRows or xlColumns constant to have the data series entered in rows or columns, respectively. If this argument is omitted, the size and shape of the range is used.

Possible return values are xlColumns - Data series is in a row, xlRows - Data series is in a column.

Type (XlDataSeriesType) - The type for the data series.

Possible values are

xlAutoFill Fill series according to AutoFill settings.
xlChronological Fill with date values.
xlDataSeriesLinear Extend values, assuming an additive progression (for example, '1, 2' is extended as '3, 4, 5').
xlGrowth Extend values, assuming a multiplicative progression (for example, '1, 2' is extended as '4, 8, 16').

Date (XlDataSeriesDate) - If the Type argument is xlChronological, the Date argument indicates the step date unit.

Possible values are

xlDay Day
xlMonth Month
xlWeekday Weekdays
xlYear Year

Step (Long) - The step value for the series. The default value is 1.

Stop - The stop value for the series. If this argument is omitted, Microsoft Excel fills to the end of the range

Trend (Boolean) - True to create a linear trend or growth trend. False to create a standard data series. The default value is False.