VBA Selection sort

The code below implements the selection sort algorithm.

' *******************************************************
' Selectionsort.
' Min and max can be used to set the part in the list being sorted (default whole list)
' Example Selectionsort lstUsers, 2 where the first in lstUsers is 
' limit the number? not have to determine size?
' *******************************************************
Sub Selectionsort(list As Variant, Optional min As Integer = -2, Optional max As Integer = -2)
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim best_value As Variant 'Long
Dim best_j As Integer

    If min = -2 Then min = LBound(list)
    If max = -2 Then max = UBound(list)

    For i = min To max - 1
        best_value = list(i)
        best_j = i
        For j = i + 1 To max
            If list(j) < best_value Then
                best_value = list(j)
                best_j = j
            End If
        Next j
        list(best_j) = list(i)
        list(i) = best_value
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub SelectionsortTest0()
Dim list As Variant
list = Array(2, 3, 1, 4)
Selectionsort list, 0, 3
Debug.Print list(0)
Debug.Print list(1)
Debug.Print list(2)
Debug.Print list(3)
End Sub

Private Sub SelectionsortTest1()
Dim list(0 To 3) As Long
list(0) = 2
list(1) = 3
list(2) = 1
list(3) = 4
Selectionsort list
Debug.Print list(0)
Debug.Print list(1)
Debug.Print list(2)
Debug.Print list(3)
End Sub

Private Sub SelectionsortTest2()
Dim list(0 To 3) As String
list(0) = "a"
list(1) = ""
list(2) = "d"
list(3) = "c"
Selectionsort list
Debug.Print list(0)
Debug.Print list(1)
Debug.Print list(2)
Debug.Print list(3)
End Sub