WorksheetFunction.LogNorm_Dist (Excel)

Returns the lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev. Use this function to analyze data that has been logarithmically transformed.

If any argument is nonnumeric, LogNorm_Dist returns the #VALUE! error value. If x ≤ 0 or if standard_dev ≤ 0, LogNorm_Dist returns the #NUM! error value. The equation for the lognormal cumulative distribution function is:

LogNorm_Dist (Arg1, Arg2, ..., Arg4)

Dim dblArg1 As Double: dblArg1 = 
Dim dblArg2 As Double: dblArg2 = 
Dim dblArg3 As Double: dblArg3 = 
Dim dblLogNorm_Dist As Double
dblLogNorm_Dist = WorksheetFunction.LogNorm_Dist(Arg1:=dblArg1, Arg2:=dblArg2, Arg3:=dblArg3, Arg4:=True)


Arg1, Arg2, ..., Arg4

Arg1 (Double) - X - The value at which to evaluate the function.

Arg2 (Double) - Mean - The mean of ln(x).

Arg3 (Double) - Standard_dev - The standard deviation of ln(x).

Arg4 (Boolean) - Cumulative - A logical value that determines the form of the function. If cumulative is True, LogNorm_Dist returns the cumulative distribution function; if False, it returns the probability density function.