Workbook.SendForReview (Excel)

Sends a workbook in an email message for review to the specified recipients.

The SendForReview method starts a collaborative review cycle. Use the EndReview method to end a review cycle.

SendForReview (Recipients, Subject, ShowMessage, IncludeAttachment)

 ActiveWorkbook.SendForReview  Recipients:="; amy jones; lewjudy", _ 
 Subject:="Please review this document.",  ShowMessage:=False,  IncludeAttachment:=True


Optional arguments

The following arguments are optional

Recipients (String) - A string that lists the people to whom to send the message. These can be unresolved names and aliases in an email phone book or full email addresses. Separate multiple recipients with a semicolon (;). If left blank and ShowMessage is False, you will receive an error message, and the message will not be sent.

Subject (String) - A string for the subject of the message. If left blank, the subject will be: Please review "filename".

ShowMessage (Boolean) - A Boolean value that indicates whether the message should be displayed when the method is executed. The default value is True. If set to False, the message is automatically sent to the recipients without first showing the message to the sender.

IncludeAttachment (Boolean) - A Boolean value that indicates whether the message should include an attachment or a link to a server location. The default value is True. If set to False, the document must be stored at a shared location.