QueryTable.TextFileTextQualifier (Excel)

Returns or sets the text qualifier when you import a text file into a query table. The text qualifier specifies that the enclosed data is in text format. Possible return values are xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote - Double quotation mark ("), xlTextQualifierNone - No delimiter, xlTextQualifierSingleQuote - Single quotation mark (').

Use this property only when your query table is based on data from a text file (with the QueryType property set to xlTextImport). If you import data by using the user interface, data from a web query or a text query is imported as a QueryTable object, while all other external data is imported as a ListObject object. If you import data by using the object model, data from a web query or a text query must be imported as a QueryTable, while all other external data can be imported as either a ListObject or a QueryTable. The TextFileTextQualifier property applies only to QueryTable objects.

ActiveCell.QueryTable.TextFileTextQualifier = xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote